Part 18

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So sorry I haven't updated.. I've decided either Mondays or Wednesdays could be my update days. So then you won't have to be so worried or curious about when I'm updating. I really love making these fanfics. And mostly Matt because.. he's bæ and yahh I love him infinite! Be waiting for these updates soon loves!


Oh. And it'd be great for y'all to listen to this song while you read. I love Marys voice, it kills me.


Camerons POV :

Ever since we all left from Washington Matthew hasn't been on any social media.

I haven't gotten any calls.

No messages.

No tweets.


Nothing from Matthew.

I called him already but it sends me to the stupid voicemail.

" Hey its Cameron! Umm well I just called to know how you're doing. I haven't heard from you at all. Hope you give me a call Matthew, bye! "

I leave him the voicemail.

No answer

What happened?

Maybe he's out in a date with Jen or something..

No, Jennifer just tweeted out,

" some relationships are like ice cold weather. chilly bb "

@jenickaespinosa where u at jen!?

I tweet out.

She doesn't reply

What does her tweet mean?

Hopefully she's not talking about any relationship I know.

She has been tweeting out depressing tweets or quotes

What's with her?

Has she become dark?

Then she replies

" @camerondallas: where u at jen!? " my casa in bed why?

Well, I guess I'll take a small trip.

**  hours later. **

( still Cameron's POV )

I pull over at Jennifer's house.

Gages car is parked outside.

I knock.

" Enterrrr " I heard a familiar voice say.

I walk in.

" Cam? Hello! " she said in a unsurprised tone.

" good afternoon. Can we talk? " I hug her and say.

She nods.

I walk behind her up the stairs and we enter her room.

" Lock the door if its important. " she says

" Okay I will. "

It is important.

" Take a seat. What's wrong? "

She says while sucking on a lollipop

It makes me uncomfterable.

The way she's sucking it

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