Part 5

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I Walk towards my bed and then Matt throws me down into the bed.

" Lay down. " he says and smirks.

I don't want to have any type of relationship with Matthew in this position I'm in right now. He jumps intop of me and his knees are between my legs. He opens my legs wider. I bite my bottom lip.

" See, I love when you do that. " Matt says and smiles

I stop biting my lip and say, " Whenever I bite my lip? "

" Yes its so sexy. "

I can't have sex with Matthew, I just can't.

I roll my eyes and speak up.

" Matthew Lee, I really want to do this but Gage is here. We aren't alone. And we bearly met which makes me have a total melt down. Maybe some other time. I'm sorry. "

I sit up and look down.

Matt sits next to me.

" I don't care I can wait. But I can't and couldn't wait too long. Let's just.. "

He leans over and places his arms in my hips.

He kisses my lips.

He then goes down and kisses me until he hits the top of my chest.

He goes up to my neck and sucks on my skin.

I bite down my lip so I don't make any sound or moan come out of me.

Then someone knocks on the door. And Matt doesn't release.

I tried to pull away and whisper, " Matthew its Gabe let go. "

" Matt are you in there? "

At this moment Matthew started kissing my lips and don't even let go for air.

I pull Matthews ear and he pulls away.

" Its just your brother. " he whispers.

" Dude answer! I know you guys are in there. Open up! "

Matthew raises one eyebrow and yelled at Gage.

" No! I need to kiss your sister for a little more! "

I open my eyes widely and tug on Matt's shirt causing our eyes to lock together.

Matthew started laughing.

" Sorry. "  he said with a small smileGagegh

I hear footsteps going down the stairs and a sound of a key.

Matt's POV:

I didn't know why Jen was so scared of Gage catching us kissing.

I just hoped he realized how much I wanted her and I wanted Jen to know I loved her.

We heard the sound of keys.

" He's going to unlock my door! " Jen panics.

Finally, it was my moment to show Gage I wanted her.

So before Gage came upstairs I looked down at Jen.

" I love you.. " I whisper to her ear

I kissed her lips and she wrapped her legs around me.

I carried her up and she stuck tongue in at one point into our kiss.

I placed my hands in her butt and squeezed it gently.

She started grinding on me, like she was trying to pull her butt away from my hands.

Gage quickly opens the door " Why would- " he stopped speaking and slowly threw the keys on the bed, locked the door again and closed it.

Jen didn't mind him looking at us.

She continued her thing.

I threw ourselves onto the bed and I landed on top of her.

I take off my shirt and she didn't take anything off.

" Matt I'm fifteen. " she says looking at me.

Its not like I didn't care. I didn't want to take her virginity away without her permission.

" I know, I'm sixteen. Its not like I'm trying to speed things up. "

" Let's just make out, in the best way. " she says and laughs.

Jennifer's POV:

Matthew started to squeeze my butt after he carried me up.

I grinned on him and begged for him not to stop.

I heard the door jam unlock, I was going to let go but the touch of Matt's lips killed me.

It was like kissing marshmallows or crashing my lips into marshmallows.

Matthew threw me into the bed and took his shirt off.

I was going to slide my shirt off but I realized I was wearing a hoodie and that I had no bra on.

I broke the moment. " Matt I'm fifteen. " I said nervously.

" I know, I'm sixteen. Its not like I'm trying to speed things up. " he said looking me in the eyes with a smile.

And I just asked him if we would make out and we did


We unlocked the door and walked to the living room together. We saw Gage sleeping on the couch.

Matthew walked downstairs and said, " I'm going to the kitchen to get my water bottle I never got. " he says silently.

" I'm going to the bathroom. " I talked back.

I go inside the bathroom and do what I had to do. I look at myself over the mirror a several times. I then see a hickey under my ear. " Shit. "

I open up a cabinet and take out one of my makeup bags.

I cover the hickey up and put everything away.

I ran to my room and see matt with his arms full of junk food.

" I'm just a little hungry.. " he says

I walk next to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

" Its okay. Can I have a sip of water? I'm thirsty but I'm thirstier for you. " I said and giggle.

" okay and I know. " he replied.

We turn on the TV and Big Bang Theory comes up.

" Slay Sheldon! " I said.


I see Matt on his phone and I turn off the television.

I'm already sleepy so I cover myself up and face the left of me.

Matt turns off his phone and lays next to me.

He gets closer and closer until we are touching.

" I need to to stay warm tonight. " he whispers into my ear.

   ~~ hope you guys enjoyed. Its short, I know sorry! I will make a longer one I promise!! Twitter : @jenickaespinosa ~~ One more thing!!!! I will post chapter six until I have 9 more followers!! 10 views/reads on this chapter & 10 votes. So vote, follow me and read!! Hahaha peace out Espirasaurexs' ~~

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