Part 22

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so recently I've been getting bad grades and like I'm catching up on homework when I'm absent, I swear but its hard bc I need motivation. So I found out music gives me motivation and Jake Miller has been my life saver. Y'all should check him out & a little of Lana Del Rey but she hasn't come out with new songs ugh :( Any songs that I should check out? Comment down below thanks :)


" Jen. Wake up its time for me to leave. "

" Jen. "

" I have to leave. "

It was Shawn and he is massaging my hair

" Huh? "

I stood up and see Cameron and Gage sitting on the floor

" Hey. " cam says

" sleepy baby. " gage speaks up

" I am. " I reply

I lifted myself up, away from Shawn's lap and body

Shawn stood up

" Well it's been a pleasure. I'm glad I met you. Jen. "

" Same. Shawn. "

Cameron stood up

" Goodnight girl. " he said and hugs me

Shawn hugs me too

" Hope you feel better, if anything call Cameron & I'll be here."
I nod

They leave

" So." Gage says

" Yeah!"

" Matthew. "

" Matt? Huh. Wait!! Tell me about everything that happened once I was asleep. How is he? Please tell me. "

Crap. I did it again

I promised myself I wouldn't care about Matthew anymore

He broke me in smaller pieces and now what am I supposed to do?

I should not have asked Gage those questions

" Wow, calm down. " he says

" Sorry but tell me. "

" Matthew well he overreacted. He started screaming and while you were sleeping he ran up here and we saw him talking to you so he basically ran away from us. Unfortunately, Shawn and you were asleep so no one realized what happened that moment. We told him not to ever search for you in hopes to see you again. And Cameron kicked him out of here, although he did not want to. But he eventually got really tired and over it and he left. "

" What the heck? So now he won't and isn't even allowed to search for me? "

" We didn't really mean it to turn that way. "

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