Part 11

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Today was the last day we would spend here.

After the boys would preform for general admission.

Knock knock **

I jump up from my cat nap.

Today the boys start at 2pm so we get a little time together.

" Come in. " I scream at the person behind the door.

Its Mohagony.

" Hey, sorry if I woke you up! "

" It's okay. I needed to wake up anyways. " I laugh a little.

She walks up to me and looks at me for an answer if she could sit on my bed.

I nod.

" So that Cameron rape thing wh- " I cut her off

" Shhh Shh, its only between both of us! " I whisper in frightment.

We look over to see if either Anthony or Jenn are awake or have woken up by that.

No they are dead sleeping.

She covers her mouth.

I smile.

" Sorry! I'm so sorry! " she chuckles.

" Forget it. Its okay honey. " I smile with no control.

Its funny how I always smile at the stupidest things. I have been told my smile makes peoples day, that I always am so positive, and that I look shy and unknown but once you get to meet me you'll never regret it. I still don't think its true. I feel like I just am one of the others.

" Okay! So that thing.. Umm.. do you wanna go visit a doctor right now or? "

" Sure! Right now I feel like its a good moment. "

" Oh and the boys went out to ride around and have some friend time so me and you are basically alone. Don't worry Matt won't know anything of you going to the doctors for a pregnancy check-up. "

Mohagony said whispering the last sentence.

I nod.

" Is it okay if I take a shower? I mean it bearly 8:40 so? "

" Yeah, I will call right now for an appointment at 9:30 is it okay with you? "

" Yup, I will come out really soon. "

" Okay see you! "

She said walking out the door.

I stood up and picked out an outfit.

I picked out, dark denim shorts, a red, white and black flannel, and a DK ( Dead Kennedy's ) short sleeve shirt.

And for shoes, some bootie converse.

I get undressed and look into the mirror.

" I'm fat, nasty, and most likely pregnant.. " I whisper to myself.

My stomach is getting bigger.

Am I really pregnant??

Or is it just me gaining pounds?

I get into my shower and start scrubbing and gently washing my hair.

** out of shower **

I hear the door again.

" Twenty minutes! "

Its Mohagony.

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