i. first day jitters

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— angel's pov —

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angel's pov

i took a sharp inhale as i approached my parking spot. my whole being was filled with excitement and nervousness at the same time, since it was my first day at my absolute dream job as a veterinary assistant. i have always had a passion toward animals since i was a little girl, since i had a big devotion for loving and caring for others until they feel better. however, absorbing this new job opportunity was a lot to take in and and mostly took me by excitement. after finally finishing my associates degree, i was lucky enough to find a job at "petvet care" in brighton, england right after school.

after steering forward into my parking spot, i let out a slow exhale and reached across the dashboard of my car to grab my face mask within my glove box. after unlatching the handle of the box, i pulled out my cloth face mask that rested at the top of the drawer. once i took out the teal blue mask, i inserted my wrist into one of the elastic bands and grabbed my purse. i was thrilled to start my first day as i looked down onto the royal blue scrubs i was wearing for uniform at my new job.

once exiting my car confidently, i received a loud "ding!" from my phone, indicating that i got a text message. at an instant, i reached into my purse and grabbed my phone, once unlocking it, i read:

text messages (27)

mummy bear
good morning, sweet pea!
have a good first day! i love you!

thank you mum:)
i'll update you!
love you too!

i smiled at my phone before shoving in into my scrubs uniform pocket. i always had a strong relationship with my mother and having her message me before my big first day helped me calm my jitters. still standing outside of my car, i closed my car door and began to look into my car window on the driver's side. staring at my own reflection through the window, i realized my hair was still down, which was not part of my uniform. i let out a heavy sigh and quickly grabbed the hair tie on my wrist and wrapped it around my locks to form a ponytail at the back of my head. lastly, i grabbed some side pieces near my side burns to frame my face. i made one last smile into the reflection of myself in the window and thought,
"if you're happy on the outside, it will reflect on the inside. just breathe."

after calming myself down and putting on my teal, cloth face mask, i carried a continuous smile on my face. i walked across the parking lot with my eyes staring down at my watch, i was fifteen minutes early to my first shift.

"early bird takes the worm... right?" i thought to myself.

while still staring at my watch and comprehending the time and walking across the street, i see a black pair of converse with black sweatpants run in front of me. startled by the sudden movement, i looked up.

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