viii. sweet names

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

"you know what guys, i think angel and i are done talking with you dummies for the rest of the night," george asserted toward clay and nick on the discord video call as he rolled his eyes playfully.

i giggled at his statement as i heard his friends laughing with me. george and i transitioned from facetiming over the phone to joining the discord video call with this two friends about two hours ago. moreover, earlier, george told me that the trio mostly used discord to communicate with, so he helped me make an account so that i could join the video call with the three of them all at once.

"you know what, i'm actually having fun talking to clay and nick, georgie. what makes you think i want to leave?" i pestered at the ridiculing boy.

"yeah see gogy, you better watch out. one of us might steal your girl," sapnap teased with a slight smirk.

as i watched george make a facial expression of resentfulness, dream chided, "watch it, sapnap. don't make the shy boy envious."

i snickered while adding, "why? would the cutie be jealous?"

"uh oh, here she goes with the nicknames again. don't turn red, gogy!" sapnap quipped.

as dream wheezed at his friend's comment, he turned his face to the right side of his monitor while questioning, "hey angel. did you know that little george over here is extremely colourblind?"

"colourblind? really?" i retorted back with my head tilted to the side out of confusion.

"yeah. i'm strongly protan colourblind, love," the british boy announced while smiling.

"he can't see green or red very well. imagine how dull christmas colors are to him," sapnap chortled.

"aww, that's unfortunate. christmas is coming up in about two weeks as well," i began before asking, "but georgie, what color do you see best?" i added.

"oh... that's easy. blue! how else could i locate and adore you in the parking lot," george replied while lighting up.

"the- the parking lot?" i sputtered out of confusion.

george's eyes widened before he gently placed his hand against the side of his face with embarrassment. before i could ask any more questions on the topic of a parking lot, dream interrupted my thought process.

"angel, he didn't tell you that he gawked at the sight of you across a parking lot? what a love story to tell your future children. 'yes kids, your dad adored me from first look in a parking lot,'" dream reiterated while wheezing.

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