v. missing you

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- george's pov -

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- george's pov -

text messages (23)


well, i'm off. ought to go home.

chat soon xx

my heart fluttered at the sight of her last message. xx huh? i had no idea what to respond with or what to say to her. i knew the conversation ended, but how do i pick it up from there? it wasn't a matter in which angel left the discussion on a bad note, she left it on a really good one to say the least; but how on earth would i match that? do i begin sending, "xx" after every message too? do i not reply with, "xx" because maybe she meant it in a friendly way with no strings attached? what if she sent it on accident? no, no one sends that on accident. but maybe she did? or maybe it's rubbing off the wrong way? she is a charismatic person, maybe this is her way of showing friendship? but how do i imply that i want more than friendship? in what way can i show her that i want to be more than friends that chit chatted... but that i wanted to stare into her beautiful eyes while time flies by. or how do i imply that i wanted to hold her and her short figure up against my chest to feel her heart beat against mine? what. do. i. say?

instead of letting myself lose control and overthink every possible scenario to send to her. i decided to turn to the people that knew me best, the individuals that would know what to say and how to say it. without hesitation, i went over to my desk and allowed my desktop to brightly shine against my eyes. navigating toward discord, i didn't think twice to press video call.

starting video call...

with sapnap & dream

"hello?" softly said a familiar face with slight stubble among his chin. the face was complimented with shaggy brown hair as he came up on the screen.

"sapnap!" i exclaimed, almost jumping out of my chair since i was eager to share the news.

before i could let another word slide out of my mouth, a small noise jerked from my desktop, indicating that another member joined the video call.

"what the hell do you want?" a voice boomed from the call. i glanced over to see another boy with green eyes and dirty blonde hair rub his eyes in discontent.

"now that i have gathered you all here..." i began to narrate and lean up against my desk with my hands crossed together.

"george, you better hurry the fuck up. it's 3am over here and i was just about to catch some shut eye," the dirty blonde dream protested.

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