xx. coffee & vanilla scones

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

i slowly began to open my eyes until i saw the gleaming sun nearly blind me from my bedroom window. out of discontent, i squinted my eyes to block out the light; but i could still see the bright radiance shine through my closed eyelids. all of a sudden, i felt weight press up against my waist. i fluttered my eyes open to fully identify what rested beside me. to my sight, i saw a porcelain pale arm wrapped tightly around my waist as i laid on my side. with a grunt, i pulled my forearm over my face to block out the beaming ray that was still hitting my sensitive eyes, but it wasn't enough. i began to think of why such a brilliant illumination was filling up my room, until i recalled that it was probably morning. i sighed before throwing my arm back down to my side, which made me hit something firm, and that's where i heard a foreign noise.

"ouch!" a deep, raspy voice exclaimed.

i swiftly turned my head to the right to see where the noise was coming from. lo and behold, i saw george laying beside me with my lilac duvet cover on top of him. i realized that i accidentally slapped him with the back of my arm whilst he was lying down peacefully with his eyelids shut; clearly he was still half asleep. with his head rested against my white pillow, i saw his fluffy, messy brown hair nearly fall over his eyes. i gawked at him in admiration as i took in all of his features, which were gracefully highlighted by the shining light radiating through my bedroom window. as the blinding beam hit george in all the most perfect places, i acknowledged how he looked so handsome under the sunlight. from his small accentuated freckles, to his long eyelashes at rest, to his plump and pink lips slightly opened, all the way to his chest slowly rising and falling whilst he slept, it was apparent that he took my breath away.

"you know, you can just take a photo of me right? it would last longer," george quipped as he opened his eyes slightly to peek out at me.

i fell out of my admorational trance before playfully scoffing and remarking, "don't get too ahead of yourself, love."

my boyfriend hummed in response before opening his mouth to let out a big yawn. while he stretched his arms and legs out, i felt his warm body brush up against my cold being before he whispered, "good morning, my angel."

in an instant, i felt my body wake up. after hearing george's raspy morning voice, it took me by surprise; i didn't know he could get any more attractive. "g- good morning, my cutie," i quickly stammered back as i broke eye contact with the boy.

i needed to brush my teeth and get started with the day, so i began to sit upright in bed before i felt a strong force pull me downward. out of defeat, i quickly slouched back into bed before glancing back at the boy that tugged at me. "five more minutes," george groaned with his arm around my waist and his eyes closed shut.

"five more minutes?" i quizzed with my eyebrows furrowed. i looked over to the bedside table next to me and saw [11:41]. "what? it's almost noon!" i yelped as i read the numbers on my digital alarm clock while throwing george's arm off my body.

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