xiv. ice cream

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- george's pov -

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- george's pov -

as i watched the pasta noodles boil on top the stove, my mother was taking the roast chicken out of the oven. i observed the way my mum delicately took the roast from the oven over to the kitchen counter, where she laid it amongst a cooling rack. i averted my attention back on my boiling noodles and picked up a singular noodle from the boiling pot of water with a wooden spoon. i brought the spoon up to my mouth to determine the texture of the noodle, whether it was fully cooked or not. luckily enough, as i chewed down on the pasta, it was al dente. finally, i turned off the heat and brought the boiling pot over to the kitchen counter to begin putting it in into the sauce. however, before i could drain the boiling water, a doorbell sound arose and rang within the house.

"i'll get it. you drain and dress the pasta," my mother instructed as she took off her kitchen apron.

i swallowed a big gulp as i watched my mother walked out of the kitchen. i finally get to see angel. i quickly drained the pasta and transferred it into a big metal bowl, where i just threw the sauce into it. i knew it didn't look pretty, and that my mom would be angry with me if she saw how messy i was handling the pasta, but i didn't care; i just wanted to see angel. with the pasta dressed, i rapidly wiped my hands down with a kitchen towel nearby and dashed to the front door. that's when i saw her. she looked so beautiful standing there with a smile while conversing with my mother on our front porch. she wore a navy blue, loose sundress with a black cardigan layered on top. her hair was half up and half down, which i have never seen before - but it framed her face perfectly. i watched her smile and nod at something my mother was saying; whilst she kept her hands in front of her, fingers intertwined. but once angel looked up and made eye contact with me, i watched her face flush red.

"please, please! come in, angel!" my mum enjoined while making a hand motion, gesturing for angel to walk into the house.

"thank you, mrs. davidson," angel replied with her continuous warm smile. hearing her voice once again made my heart flutter. "your house is absolutely beautiful," she added while her eyes gazed around the house.

"why, thank you! i do all the decorating since george has no taste in house decor," my mother exaggerated.

angel began to giggle at my mum's teasing before she began walked over to me, where i was leaning against the front door frame. as she approached me, i watched her arms extend outwards for a welcoming embrace. of course, i reached back and held her as my body pressed against hers, giving her a tight hug. as angel's arms wrapped around my neck, i placed my hands along the small of her back. feeling her arms around me made me melt once again, oh how i've missed her touch. as i was bent down, i snuggled my face into the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent; vanilla once again.

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