xxix. the stream

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

with my elbows propped on my knees, i buried my face into my palms before feeling george lean downward to place a kiss on the top of my head. "i'll fix this, my love. i promise," my boyfriend mumbled from above me. his voice was soft and hushed, filled with worry and endearment.

as i continued to hold my face within my hands, i wanted to reply back to him with understanding. my mind began to race as i contemplated all the words i wanted to say to my boyfriend. i wanted to tell george that i trusted him, that i knew everything would be okay as long as he was beside me. i wanted to proclaim my gratitude toward my boyfriend for being a constant shoulder to cry on; literally and figuratively. i wanted to voice how much his patience meant to me, as he did nothing but compose himself in order to keep me sane. i wanted to tell him anything and everything, but no words would come out of my mouth; i was in pure shock.

even though i could not utter a reply back, i felt george's hand caress the back of my head. my entire body grew warm to his touch as my boyfriend graciously ran his fingers through my hair. i loved it when he did this. his soft touch was like an act of safety, love, compassion, and security all in one. george's small gesture calmed me down immediately. it was almost as if he knew what i wanted to say through my silence, as his tender touch was an action of understanding.

as i heard george's footsteps escape the lounge, i felt someone fill in the empty couch cushion beside me. "angel..." kate began.

i didn't even want to speak anymore. the amount of sobs that left my body this afternoon had me feeling numb all over. as i inhaled a sniffle, i swiped my irritated nose with my wrist, causing my nostrils to burn. i did not look into my best friend's eyes, because i knew that if i did, i would bawl even more. i just stared downward toward the carpeted floor of the sitting lounge, analyzing the way my bare feet spread against the fluffy carpet. as i dug my toes into the rug, i let out an airy sigh.

i also heard kate exhale a sigh beside me. "you don't have to talk to me, angel. i just need to know that you're okay," my best friend consoled as she rested her palm on my knee.

"i don't... know," i muttered softy, as i was still in shock from the tweets i had just read.

"you know what? join me in the kitchen," my best friend proposed as she stood up from the couch.

"kate, i don't really want to-" i foretold before i slouched even further into the couch.

"nu uh. look at me," the black haired girl reprimanded as she stood upright.

i slowly rose my head to lock eyes with my best friend. i stared into her hazel eyes before lamenting, "what?"

"join me in the kitchen i said," kate persisted as she stuck her hand out to me.

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