vi. social media exchange

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

text messages (36)

george :))

just did.

but i will gladly have you know that

i miss you more xx

"oh my god. oh my god. oh my god," i repeated over and over again as i shoved my phone and george's messages into kate's face.

"are you stupid? reply already!" kate yelped as she threw her arms up with her eyes widened.

"w- what what do i say?" i stammered, rereading his message over and over again whilst trying to take it all in.

kate just laughed at me and my flustered being until she grabbed my phone to text the boy herself, "let's see... how can we keep him on his toes begging for more?" she cheered with a big grin on her face.

"kate, please don't embarrass me," i muttered whilst groaning. kate was definitely the better flirt out of us two because she always had a way with words, so i let her attempt to compose a message to george for me.

"hmm... let me think of something frisky," kate stated with her index finger tapping along her chin.

"no! nothing frisky!" i proclaimed as i reached over her to grab my phone back.

text messages (36)


you missing me more?

impossible :)

i flashed my phone over to kate once again with an even bigger smile on my face. my heart was racing and the butterflies in my stomach started to grow from the thought of a flustered george after he read this message. we were definitely playing the friendly flirty game, and i did not know if it was serious or not... but boy, was i having fun playing it.

"oh... OH... that's a good answer, angel" kate hollered as she read my new message.

"i know right? now we wait," i giggled, i haven't felt this excited about a small crush in ages.

"you continue squealing like a school girl. i'm going to shower and i expect a firey conversation and a picture of this special boy by the time i get out," my best friend chimed as she left my room. once i saw her leave, my eyes stayed fixated on my phone until i received a response. luckily enough, my phone let out a, "ding!" as i waited; it had to be george.

text messages (38)

george :))

you better believe it, cutie :]

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