xiii. girls night out

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

conversation with dream

clay, i have a burning question to ask://

alright. shoot!

so george invited me to go to his place tom night


and i'm meeting his mum, but idk if george thinks it's a big deal like i do. isn't meeting each others parents like a huge step into a new relationship? but he hasn't even addressed me as his girlfriend yet! i just dk if george knows how big this is... what if he doesn't feel the same?:(

woah there, angel. first, trust me when i say that he does feel the same. i have known george for years, yet he has never talked so highly about any1, and i mean any1, as much as he does for you. plus, meeting his mom is something big for him too. george does not just bring any girl home. as a matter of fact, i've never even seen him do so b4 :P u r definitely one of the special ones to george. don't stress abt it! he feels the same way cuz he really really likes you :)

oh my gosh. thank u, clay. u have no idea how much this was eased my anxiety abt tom. i owe u one, thanks again:))

np, now enjoy ur date when it comes, ok? ;)


i let out a slight sigh of relieve again before pressing the upper right button of my device to turn off my phone. it was nice to receive reassurance from clay. if george's best friend says it matters to him, then it must matter to george, right? i have always been good at talking to and respecting my elders, so what makes tomorrow night any different? i kept trying to compose myself and just think about the present instead on pondering about the future. i decided to shake off any remaining nerves about tomorrow night and just wanted to enjoy the rest of my day with kate. i haven't had a one on one bestie date with her in awhile, so i knew that a proper hangout was well overdue.

"whatcha thinking about there?" kate hooted as she walked down our apartment stairs. she changed out of her day clothes into my hoodie and some sweatpants, with fluffy socks to compliment her cozy look.

"take off my hoodie, idiot. and nothing, why?" i questioned back at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"i think your hoodie looks better on me. but, you're tapping the ball of your foot against the hardwood floors and your using your higher-pitched lying voice," my best friend smoothed.

"what?" i inquired, taken aback from her sudden commentary about my features.

"you're literally stupid. i've been your best friend for 20 years and you think i wouldn't know this information, your tell-tale signs of lying? now what were you thinking about?" she postulated while coming over to the kitchen counter and begun unpacking our new groceries.

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