xv. why me?

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— possible trigger warnings: slight mature language in this chapter and this chapter only —

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— possible trigger warnings: slight mature language in this chapter and this chapter only —

- george's pov -

after a long night of melted ice cream and confessed feelings, next thing i knew, it was already 11pm. by this time, angel and i made the consecutive decision to head back home since she had work bright and early tomorrow morning. as a result, we both began to drive back to my place so that angel could go back home in her own car.

"it honestly does not feel like a sunday," angel chattered as she gawked outside of my car window. i could tell she loved to admire the night sky, since angel always gazed at the stars whenever we went out at night.

"i know right. it truly feels like a friday night," i pointed out while smiling at her adorable self staring outside of the window.

"i wish i could stay with you longer," she gushed before grabbing my hand.

i laced my fingers in between hers, "me too, my love. but you have work tomorrow and i want you to get a full nights rest," i quipped while rubbing my thumb along the outside of her hand.

"promise me i'll see you later this week?" angel articulated while looking up at me with her soft, puppy dog eyes; she is so beautiful.

from my peripheral vision, i saw her lift and turn her head to face me. so i glanced over at her before replying, "of course i'll see you," then i picked up her hand to leave a gentle kiss among it.

before we knew it, angel and i were already back at my driveway. i put the car in park and faced her, but i watched her let out a heavy sigh. "what's wrong, babe?" i queried, cupping her cute face with both of my palms.

"i was just having such a nice night. i don't want to go," she whispered with a pouty face.

i pulled her head towards me gently and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "i'll be with you soon, before you know it. now go home safely," i declared.

as i let go from holding angel's pretty face, i smiled down at her as i treasured my one last moment with her before she had to go. i watched a smile grow on her face as i stared into her brown eyes, i couldn't help but smile back at her. angel left one last kiss on my cheek before turning around and pulling the door handle to exit the car. i watched her walk out my vehicle to enter her own car, which was still parked in my driveway from when she arrived earlier today for dinner.

"i'll text you when i get home, love!" she yelped before opening her car door.

i smiled back at her and waved before watching her drive away. after watching her drive off my driveway safely, i reached to grab my house key from my pocket. once locating the key, i unlocked my front door and walked through to see the familiar sight of my house. i glanced over to my right, which was toward the kitchen, to see my mum washing dishes at the sink.

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