xxii. airport security

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

i laid on my back, wide awake, as i stared upwards into the blackness surrounding me. i could not sleep the entire night. it was currently saturday evening, meaning it was night prior to clay and nick's landing into england. for some context, george and i spent our entire friday at the christmas carnival. after a fun night of carnival festivities, we came to the consecutive decision to leave london and travel back to brighton for the week of christmas. with lot of bribery and persuasion, it was hard to motivate my boyfriend into coming back to brighton with me; since he made the rational assumption that going back to kate and i's apartment was still unsafe after i was doxxed. therefore, once george and i took a the long train ride from london to brighton, we both crashed at his house; where we were greeted by his kind mother and a plethora of food.

at the moment, i was lying in george's bed with his blue striped comforter on top of me. however, it was odd to be lying wide awake at this hour, especially since i was wrapped within my boyfriend's loving arms; the most comfortable place to be in. i sighed heavily before twisting and turning to face a sleeping george, he looked so peaceful as he rested. i'd hate to admit it, but he snores mildly in his slumber. although, his small snoring is nothing obnoxiously loud, so i thought it was cute. as i watched george's chest rise and fall due to his breathing, i acknowledged that he was wiped out cold, which i assumed was probably from exhaustion because of our long travels.

after acknowledging a sleepy boyfriend, i turned away once again to have my back face him. i blindly reached over to george's beside table, where my hand located my phone. with a light sigh of relief, i picked it up and quickly turned down its brightness so that it wouldn't wake up george beside me. as i read the time that was plastered at the top of the screen, i read [4:23am]. i knew i had to leave before 5am to pick up nick from his flight, so i slowly hoisted myself out of george's warm bed. once out of george's blue bed sheets and duvet cover, i shivered from the cold air that filled my boyfriend's bedroom; being under the covers with george's warm body pressed against me was better. as a shudder went down my spine, i stood at the foot of his bed to admire him once again. i observed him as his body spread out under the covers. after i ensured that he was still fast asleep, i tiptoed out of his bedroom and went out the door.

once i left the davidson house quietly, i swiftly put my arms up to slip on george's grey hoodie; which i randomly found on the coat rack whilst leaving his front door. as the sweater laid oversized against my small body, i looked down onto my chest to see a bright red rectangle with the words 'georgenotfound' embroidered in white lettering. i chuckled at the sight as i recalled how famous my boyfriend was online. he never acted vain or conceded like a celebrity to me, so sometimes his occupation slipped my mind. then, i stepped down george's front porch steps to unlock his car with the car keys i sneakily obtained from his desk in his bedroom. i hoped my boyfriend didn't mind me taking his vehicle to the airport. i mean, i'm taking the car for a surprise that is for him, he wouldn't mind if i used a little bit of his gas mileage, right? before stuck in the car key into the ignition to drive away to the brighton airport, i smiled to myself in george's rearview mirror. oh, is george in for quite the surprise.

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