ix. red roses

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- george's pov -

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- george's pov -

"george!!" i heard dream exclaim. i was on a discord video call with my best friends once again, i genuinely don't go a day without chatting with them.

"what? what's the big deal?" i grumbled, looking down at my phone. i was waiting for a text back from angel after asking her about her work hours.

"what are you even doing, dumbass?" sapnap interrogated with his arms cross.

"you are literally the worst because you never pay attention, george. did you hear anything we said?" dream satirized.

"i'm trying to plan out tonight for angel," i gloated with my eyes still fixated on my device. i heard my phone reverberate as i read angel's message, she told me she was getting off of work at 6pm.

"we'll help you brainstorm date ideas then," dream snickered.

"yeah, for sure. what girl advice do you need from your awesome wingmen now?" sapnap quipped.

"well, she gets off at 6. i was planning on just surprising her at work and then asking if she wanted to go to dinner," i elaborated.

"that idea sucks," dream simply spat.

"literally, gogy. you're a boring boyfriend," sapnap scorned.

"what do you mean it's a bad idea?! what do you idiots have in mind?" i wailed as i cupped my face.

"hmm... what does she like? did she tell you what she likes to do?" dream questioned with his eyebrows raised.

"i mean, i know little things about her here and there. i don't know her any more than you guys do ever since our big call last night," i shrugged. planning things for a girl is complicated, especially if you just met the girl yesterday.

"coming from the biggest chad out on the market... i think you guys should go to the movies and makeout in the dark," sapnap advised with a smirk on his face.

"that's terrible. i'm not bringing her to the movies for a possible first date," i remarked as i rolled my eyes toward the texan.

"did you even tell her you liked her yet? or as a matter of fact, even tell her you wanted to make plans tonight?" dream asked.

"well... um, no and no," i stammered back. this was way harder than i thought.

"you're actually stupid, gogy," sapnap implored.

"i'll figure it out, i will. i have to go. i'm going to start planning," i proposed with a tone of defeat. i ended the video call with my friends and put my head down and rested on my desk, i had no idea what i was doing... but i only knew that i wanted to see angel again.

- angel's pov -

"alright, mr. villa. please keep this little guy on his antibiotics and i'll have dr. cotton write the prescription for his new ointment in a second, okay?" i stated with a warm smile behind my face mask.

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