xviii. here comes the boy

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

i was on the train to london for roughly an hour and fifteen minutes already. it was mostly a silent ride as i just listened to music with a small luggage beside me. i was listening to joji's "slow dancing in the dark", which was the song i blasted on the last happy day i spent with george. my heart sunk to my stomach as i hummed the tune on the train. the lyrics didn't elate me with happiness like they used to, instead they made me melancholy to the thought of george. i knew i shouldn't have been listening to it at my current state, since the entire three minutes and twenty nine seconds of the song made me sulk in my seat. i didn't care though, i spent the first couple minutes thinking about george; remembering his smile, his laugh, his warm touch, his soft and pink lips. but recalling his features made my heart flutter and my stomach twirl. it was a bittersweet feeling as the memory of him made me happy and sad simultaneously. next thing i knew, my long train of thoughts stood interrupted as i had arrived in london. after exiting the tube and roaming the station, i locked my eyes on a familiar set of brown ones from across the london underground.

i felt warmth effuse all over my body before i exclaimed, "dad!"

i ran into his arms as he held me in a tight, loving embrace. "angel! we've missed you," my dad replied softly.

then, i pulled away from him with a smile. i analyzed him as i saw that he was wearing a black coat and some cargo pants, his hair and features all looked the same, only a tad bit more grey. "i've missed you too," i quipped.

"c'mon, let's go home. your mother is waiting in the car," my dad instructed as he grabbed the handle of my luggage. whilst he tugged on it, the wheels of the baggage began to turn as he dragged the bag closer to him.

"will do," i softly stated while putting my hands in my coat pockets. "i'm so happy to be baack."

on the car ride back to my childhood home, it was mostly filled with laughs and small talk with my parents. as i updated them on kate and i's friendship and how great my first week at work was, it was apparent that my parents were happy for me.

"so now that our little girl is finally settled in brighton, has she found a boyfriend yet?" my father asked while glancing at me through his rear view mirror.

"you know i'm career driven, dad. i always put myself first," i asserted while trying to avoid answering his question.

"we know, dear. but we're just checking in! have you found anyone yet?" my mom chimed with a smile.

i couldn't hold it in anymore, i wanted to relieve the weight on my shoulders. "yes, actually. his name is george," i babbled. i wanted to face palm myself after making that impulsive remark. but i couldn't help it, i wanted to gush about my boy as much as i could, no matter what was going on between us.

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