xxvi. christmas morning

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

i inhaled sharply before fluttering my eyelids open to a set of flickering, sparking lights in front of me. as i opened my eyes fully, i saw the brightly illuminated christmas tree in the corner of the sitting room gleaming back at me. in order to adjust my vision from the sudden radiance, i began to rub my eyes before i heard a soft snore emit from above me. looking up to the sudden noise, i saw george knocked out cold above me as i watched his chest rise and fall from his breathing. my boyfriend had his arms loosely wrapped around my torso as he slept with his mouth open and his eyes shut. i smiled to the sight of a sleepy george before diverting my eyes back in front of me.

once i acknowledged that it was probably in the middle of the night, i glanced across the room to observe my surroundings.with a small smile still plastered on my face, it grew larger to the sight of nick and kate asleep on a separate couch. since the sitting room was dark, the only thing that shone over the couple was the flickering christmas lights on the tree. as i squinted my eyes to observe the pair, i acknowledged that kate laid down in front nick with her back pressed against his chest and their legs interlaced. even though a small, throw blanket laid over them, i assumed that nick was holding my best friend close to his chest; they were so cute.

i realized that i was far from going back to sleep by now, especially since the blinding christmas lights abruptly woke me up. in a huff, i cautiously lifted george's arm off of my body before shifting off of his chest. once i carefully exited my boyfriend's arms, i stood up in front of the couch and let my bare feet hit the chilly hardwood floors of the sitting room. i made sure george was sleep before i leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, he looks so handsome when he's at rest. then i left the lounge in a tiptoe. as i turned the corner and went out of the sitting room, i saw that the kitchen light was on; a midnight snack never hurt anyone, right? instantaneously, i sauntered into the kitchen before i located a find a tall figure in the room with me.

as i recognized a familiar head of shaggy, dirty blond hair sitting at the kitchen counter, it was a shock to see someone up this late with me. "santa?" i whispered as i brought the palm of my hand up to my mouth and let out a yawn.

once the tall figure heard my voice, i saw them lift their head up swiftly. "are you dumb?" clay quipped in a hushed tone once his green eyes met mine, which made me giggle.

"i'm joking. saint nick is on the couch over there snuggling with mrs. claus," i snickered as i pointed behind me, referencing toward the cuddled pair asleep in the lounge. i heard clay chuckle at my comment before i walked across the kitchen and opened the refrigerator doors.

"what are you doing up at this hour?" the flordian inquired as he grabbed a paper box of honey nut cheerios from the kitchen counter. as i heard clay shuffle with the paper box behind me, the sound of the grainy cereal hitting clay's porcelain bowl filled the room.

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