x. first date

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

"so where are we going, cutie?" i beamed toward george as his arm was wrapped around me.

"that's a secret, love. now c'mon. we have quite the drive ahead of us," the brunette gushed at me as he led me toward his car. (a/n: let's pretend gogy has his license:D)

being the gentleman he always was, he did a little jog toward the passenger side of his car and opened the door for me. a small flash of yesterday morning popped into my head. i began to recall how we first met, which was a similar situation to now, where he kindly opened the door for me at work. as he pulled the handle of his car door, he smiled brightly at me and made a hand gesture that motioned me to step in. i began to walk up toward him to enter his car and he held his hand out. i grabbed his hand softly as my palm rested against his own. with his hand in mine, george helped escort me to sit comfortably inside his car. once i settled in, i looked back at him to thank him. however, before i could let out a word, he leaned downward to kiss the top of my hand in which he was still holding softly. i let out a giggle before he let go and closed the passenger door shut.

once he entered the car and put in his key into the ignition, george turned toward me. "are you excited for our date, love?" he asked softly with a big grin.

i crossed my legs toward him and turned to face him, "i'm absolutely elated! but i kind of wish you told me beforehand so that i didn't have to wear my work scrubs on our first date," i stated with a playful, frowny face expression.

"i think you look cute in your uniform," he chuckled before pulling out of his parking spot to begin our drive.

"so are you going to tell me where we're heading? or is this a kidnap and go kind of situation?" i said while giggling.

"kidnap and go? i wouldn't kidnap you, cutie!" he exclaimed while glancing over at me to see me giggle.

"don't worry. it'd be an honor to be kidnapped by the georgenotfound," i retaliated while adding emphasis to the word, 'the'.

"oh quiet, love. by the way, i am still surprised that my platform didn't scare you away before our first," the british boy confessed with his eyes fixated on the road.

"big platform or not, nothing would stop me from talking to your cute self," i gushed.

i looked over my right shoulder to see george blushing behind the wheel, seeing him flustered in person made my heart race more than ever. i looked down into my lap to see the bouquet of roses he brought me. correspondingly, the feeling of more and more butterflies fluttering along my stomach began to occur. before we continued anymore small talk, i took out my phone and saw two surprising notifications.

instagram | dreamwastaken requested to follow you.

instagram | sapnapinsta requested to follow you.

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