xi. to the moon

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

george and i had been on our glorious picnic date for roughly four hours now. however, time only flies by when i am with him. from watching the beautiful sunset to adoring the glistening stars, it's easy to say that tonight has been the best night ever. not to mention, george and i were laying on our picnic blanket with my head rested on his chest and both of his arms wrapped around me. as our legs were intertwined and he held me nonstop, i have never been happier.

as i heard his heart beat against my ear, george whispered, "i never want to leave."

i closed my eyes before softly replying, "neither do i."

"would you consider this the ideal first date?" he questioned as he held me tighter.

i hummed out of pondering then phrased, "i don't knowww..." while dragging out the last syllable of my sentence.

"what? really? what date do i have to top next time?" george chimed with a chuckle.

my heart began to melt at the sound of his laugh once again. i continued, "this was more than the ideal first date. it was absolutely perfect, my cutie."

"r- really?" he stammered. i knew i made him flustered once again.

"really really," i beamed while lifting my head from his chest to look up at him.

"good. because... you know, i have never liked a girl as much as i like you," he sympathized before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

i began to lay back down and sink deeper into his chest while stating, "i like you too."

"well, for comparison, i like you from down here to all the stars up there," he quipped. i could hear him smile with his kind tone.

"well, i like you from down here to all the way toward the moon up there," i chirped with a grin while using my index finger to point toward the natural satellite. he started to sit up after my response, so i got up to perch beside him.

"to the moon?" george asked me once he sat up properly. his eyes began to sparkle from the reflection of stars above him, he had a soft and empathetic emotion across his face.

"to the moon," i gushed with my smile never leaving my face.

"i like to the moon and more," he declared with a smile back, while staring into my eyes.

i didn't even make another comment back to him. instead, i swiftly used the palms of my hands to cup his cheeks gently. out of immediate response, george lifted his own palms to rest them on top of my hands. his warm touch compared to my cold hands made the butterflies in my stomach flutter more than ever. out of impulse, without hesitation, i leaned in. george softly kissed back and began to move his hands over to my neck. he started to kiss me with more and more passion by the second, and i my heart continued to melt. our lips pressed up against each other only allowed heat to spread across every inch of my body, but i absolutely melted from his touch. george softly rested his hand on my thigh and pulled away from our intimate kiss.

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