iv. out for drinks

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- angel's pov -

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- angel's pov -

as i began to exit the examination room of my last patient, i gradually attempted to compose all of my emotions. i let out a heavy sigh. today has been a long day. from back to back patients and abundant amounts of conversation, i was proud to declare my first official day as a veterinary assistant successful. my body yearned for rest, especially in my comfy bed back home. since i was standing nonstop for nearly 14 hours, my whole being felt beaten up because i was always on the move to help dr. cotton and assess all of the animals. however, even though this may have been one of the most tiring days of my life, i could not help but smile. finally obtaining and living my dream job was still surreal to me, so i kept an upbeat attitude the entire day because of it. nonetheless, i started walking through the white washed hallway of the petvet and made a sharp right turn into the employees lounge. from there, i began to put in my time-card to clock out for the day; until a pair of heavy footsteps walked into the room with me.

"angel!" a manly voice boomed.

i turned around and to no surprise, i saw my main veterinarian, dr. cotton. "dr. cotton! what's up? i was just about to clock out my time card!" i quipped at the tall man.

"all is good! you did amazing for your first day! but before you check out, can i ask you a question?" dr. cotton asked. he began to take off his lab coat and hang it on his assigned cubby.

"sure. ask away!" i replied while finishing up my time card.

"i was wondering, as a welcoming gift, you wanted to come with me and get drinks to finish up the day?" he questioned. i turned around fully to look at him and he had his lips curled up to form a bright smile among his face.

"i mean- i've had a long day..." i began to mumble softly. i honestly just wanted to go home and rest, even if it meant passing up the opportunity to make a great impression over drinks.

"just one! i understand fully if you're not up for it. we can rain check it if you'd like," the tan and curly haired man offered. as i averted my attention toward his soft grey eyes, it almost appeared as if he was disappointed if i said no.

"you know what... one drink shouldn't hurt," i decided, "but right now it is 18:02 [6:02pm] and i should be home by 20 [8pm]," i stated.

"so be it! it will be short. i just wanted to get to know my partner," dr. cotton chimed as he went to pack his belongings.

"i'll meet you in the parking lot in 5, let me gather my things," i said while grabbing my purse from my own assigned cubby in the lounge.

"see you then," he replied with a warm smile. i knew he meant well, as he walked out of the room.

as i saw my phone lined among the outskirts of the interior of my purse, i took it and unlocked the device to see my notifications. i apparently missed 6 messages and a couple instagram notifications. i decided to scroll through my messages really quick before leaving the lounge. right as my finger came across the messages app, one name specifically caught my eye. it was from an unknown number, but the message itself was from a person my heart wanted to know well.

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