xix. dessert in the dark

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- george's pov -

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- george's pov -

"george! i cannot believe your mother is a business woman as well! we would have gotten together brilliantly!" angel's mom exclaimed to me with a bright smile.

"yeah. she takes pride in her entrepreneurship! i didn't know you were a ceo of your own company as well, mrs. bine!" i chimed from across the dining table. so far, dinner with the bine family has been going great. i tried to be on my best behavior and display true manners to swoon over angel's parents.

"yes, mum. you and mrs. davidson would have hit it off! i wish you got to meet her," angel remarked as she glanced over to me. after our eyes locked for a second, angel reached over to put her hand on top of mine while flashing me warm smile.

with us sitting beside each other at the dinner table, i shifted to my right side to plant a small kiss on angel's temple and squeezed her hand back before inquiring, "how about you, mr. bine? what do you do for work?"

the four of us have been dining and conversing for roughly an hour now. however, throughout our entire meal, my attempt at winning the approval of angel's dad was a bit harder compared to his wife. all night i had been trying to ease him into small talk, but it was imminent that we wasn't talkative nor interested in what i had to say.

"i work at bcs, the british computer society. i mostly do coding and information technology all day," mr. bine replied flatly without looking up from his dining plate.

"oh! you're into computers? me too! i have a degree in computer science," i added, trying to get a positive response from the man across the table.

"yeah, dad! george works behind a computer all day because of his influence online. i think it's cool that you both are into coding!" angel quipped. i could tell she was trying to talk highly about me to get her father's approval toward me as well, it was cute to see her brag about me.

"it's true, mr. bine," i began while looking over at angel. i displayed her a slight smile of gratitude for saving the conversation between her dad and i. "i work with coding all the time, especially with plugins. i've played around with some various programs as well; such as visual studio, phpstorm, and arduino ide," i concluded whilst trying to show off my coding knowledge.

"really?" angel's dad questioned with his eyebrow raised. "why do you prefer php?" he asked while holding his glass of water. at last, angel's dad was showing some interest into what i had to say.

however, i knew that mr. bine was asking a trick question. moreover, i could tell that the man across the dining table was just trying to get a reaction out of me, almost as if he was questioning my coding knowledge; but little did he know, he picked on the wrong person. i knew that i didn't go to university for nothing, so i tried to flex as much of my coding knowledge as i could to him.

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