Chapter 4

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After that we just left and basically repeated the same thing the next day.

Jimin and I both finished our solo dances and we're currently practicing them. Cheshir stayed for a little bit after finishing the choreo before leaving.

Hoseok: "Ok how about Lisa you go first and show us the dance and I'll give you some tips if needed." I nod before going to my place.

I noticed that Jimin sat in the front and watched me which made me nervous since I had to show both these amazing dancers and I hadn't gotten every move perfect.

The music started and I did my dance. When I finished they both clapped and I bowed very embarrassed.

Hoseok: "Great job Lisa you need a little more work on the last part but that's understandable since you just learned it. Ok Jimin you are up next."

I went and sat next to Hoseok as Jimin got in his place.

He was smiling brightly but the second the music started it was as if a different person appeared.

I was completely shocked watching him dance so gracefully and nailing every move perfectly. Even the move he had difficulty on yesterday.

When he finished we started to clap for him.

Hoseok told us to continue practicing but he will be leaving.

Lisa: "Your dance is just...." I say as I look over to Jimin but I had no words to continue.

Jimin: "Amazing?" He said as he winked at me.

I punched his shoulder before replying.

Lisa: "Meh, I'd say it was average."

Jimin: "That's a lie. You were basically drooling watching me."

Lisa: "Ani!!" I say as I cross my arms over my chest and pout.

Jimin: Cute. He though as he looked at the younger female pouting.

Jimin: "Ok fine you weren't drooling but you liked what you saw."

Lisa: "Sure whatever let's you sleep at night. Now if you don't mind I wanna practice." I make my way to the speakers and play my song.

I start my dance making sure to focus on doing each movement well and see through the mirror Jimin just watching.

After a couple of times of doing the dance back to back I flop down on the floor trying to catch my breathe.

Jimin: "Who knew you could dance like that"

Lisa: "Hm?" I look up at Jimin as he sits next to me.

Jimin: "Well based on your looks you look very chill and some of your choreographies are cute and simple. So I was pretty impressed while I was watching you do this style."

Lisa: "Oh thanks. I usually try a lot of different styles and try going out of my comfort zone."

It was quiet after that until I decided to speak up again.

Lisa: "You should teach me how to dance contemporary sometime shortie."

Jimin's head immediately snapped to my direction as he knitted his eyebrows confused.

Jimin: "Shortie? Wha- I'm literally taller than you Manoban."

Lisa: "Still, you are just short and tiny." I say shrugging my shoulders.

Jimin: "If I'm short and tiny what are you then? A pixie?"

I shook my head and looked him in the eyes.

Lisa: "Nope I got long legs. Plus I'm the second tallest in my group."

Jimin looks at me upset.

Lisa: "See you are just a tiny baby mochi." I pinched his cheeks which he definitely didn't enjoy.

Jimin: "Stob it!"

I continued to pinch his squishy cheeks and then all of a sudden I started getting tickled.

I fall on my back dying of laughter as Jimin gets on top of me continuing to tickle me.

Lisa: "Stop!!!"

Jimin: "Take back what you said!"

Lisa: "Never!"

Jimin: "Ok you have chosen death."

Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes from the amount of laughter.

The door to the dance room opens up as me and Jimin look towards it.

Hoseok stood at the door with a shocked expression as he looked at us.

That's when Jimin and I looked at the position we were currently in and quickly get up our faces bright red.

Jimin: "I swear it's not what it looks like hyung"

Lisa: "He was just tickling me that's all!"

Hoseok: "Uhhh yeah sure... Well I came here to let you guys know that tomorrow you get a day off and then we will start the duet the day after."

We both nod as Hoseok makes his way out. Before he leaves he looks back at us.

Hoseok: "Oh and don't forget to use protection." He winks and closes the door leaving both of us a flustered mess.

Jimin: "Isn't my hyung just hilarious." He says scratching the back of his neck as we both laugh awkwardly.

Lisa: "How about we hangout tomorrow? Since we have a day off. Of course if you don't want to it's perfectly fine!"

Jimin: "I would love to. How about we go to a restaurant?"

Lisa: "That sounds great I have the perfect place in mind!"

Jimin: "Alright sounds like a plan."

I give Jimin my number and the address of the dorm and he tells me he'll pick me up at 5.

We both leave the building and I go back home.

When I get home I don't see anyone there. I haven't seen my members in a long time so I hope they are doing well with their practicing.

I grab a snack, change into some pjs, and binge some Netflix on my bed.

After watching 5 episodes of my favorite show my eyes start closing and I decide to call it a night and go to sleep.

Dance Partner {Jimin x Lisa}Where stories live. Discover now