Chapter 8

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Hoseok: "Ok so let's start off with... Jimin lay down" Hoseok instructed as Jimin did as he was told.

The dance starts off with both of us laying down.

A while later

Hoseok: "Yah Jimin don't be scared just hold her waist for two seconds!"

Jimin looked at me and I just nodded my head.

Hoseok: "Okay guys take 10 and then we'll continue. I'll go grab something from the vending machine." Hoseok said before leaving the room as I collapsed on the floor.

Lisa: "The choreography is so tiring" I said whining.

Jimin: "Don't worry we'll get used to it." Jimin said reassuringly and I nodded my head in response.

He sat down next to me as I was laying on my back with my eyes closed.

Jimin: "Uhm a-about yesterday.." Jimin said stuttering as I just hummed in response.

Jimin: "W-when I almost kissed you-" The door opened as Hoseok walked in with three bottles of water cutting off Jimin.

Hoseok handed us water as we thanked him.

Hoseok: "Alright lazy bums let's continue."

Lisa: "Yah! We're not lazy!"

Hoseok: "Sure you just like to preserve energy." He answered back with sass.

I rolled my eyes jokingly before Jimin helped me get up to my feet.

We continued the dance which resulted in a couple of slip ups like when Jimin almost slapped me in the face- but other than that it was going somewhat smoothly.

Surprisingly having Hoseok as our choreographer he wasn't as serious as I thought he would be or what I heard about him. He was really nice and chill which surprised me a lot.

We were almost done but there was a part at the end where we had to hold each other and move almost like when you slow dance (if that makes sense.. hopefully it does).

For some reason Jimin kept messing up and he felt awkward about putting his hands on my waist (again).

Hoseok: "Jimin it's not that hard. Just do it like this." He said before holding my waist as we did the dance together and Hoseok showed Jimin what to do.

Lisa: "Your hands are so cold!"

Hoseok: "Who wears a crop top in the winter Lisa?" He got me there.

Lisa: "Well I get hot when I dance so that's why I wore a crop top!" I said trying to defend myself.

Hoseok: "I mean you are pretty hot when you dance." Hoseok said and winked playfully before I smacked the back of his head.

At the corner of my eye I could see a not so happy Jimin glaring at Hoseok. What's up with him?

Hoseok: "Alright alright chill Lisa!" He said putting both of his hands up.

We continued to do the dance but something was seriously off with Jimin.

Hoseok: "Ok here I want you to take three steps towards Jimin." He said instructing me.

Hoseok: "Jimin you will also take steps towards her and then pick her up just a little by the side and place her on the floor."

We did as we were told but I was really scared that I would fall.

Jimin: "You trust me don't you?" Jimin asked as I nodded my head reluctantly.

The first try ended up with Jimin dropping me.

Lisa: "yOu tRusT mE dOn'T yoU" I said on the floor holding my head.

Jimin: "Whoops?" He said laughing as I sat there pouting.

I got up as Jimin and Hoseok looked at my head worriedly.

Hoseok: "Do you want some ice?" He asked placing his hand on my head.

Lisa: "No it's okay I'm fine." I said smiling since it didn't hurt.

Jimin: "Want me to kiss it so you feel better?" He asked with a smirk taking a step towards me.

Lisa: "Definitely not." I said placing my hand on his chest and pushing him back.

After what felt like forever we were finally done.

I didn't even realize it was pretty dark outside. However we just kept practicing since the show's date changed and was now a week earlier.

Hoseok: "Lisa, Jimin, you guys need to go rest it's 10pm."

Lisa: "Just one more time from the top, please?"

Hoseok: "Alright last time. Don't forget the changes I made."

After we finished, even though I wanted to continue, we packed up our things and headed to the reception area.

I called my manager but she wasn't answering as Hoseok and Jimin waited with me to make sure I have a way home.

Jimin: "We can take you home if your manager isn't answering." Jimin suggested as Hoseok nodded his head in agreement.

Hoseok: "Yeah of course just send your manager a message letting them know."

Lisa: "It's okay you guys don't have to." I said feeling bad.

Jimin: "Lili get up we're gonna take you home."

Hoseok: "Yeah it's no problem at all Lisa." They both insisted and I ended up getting dragged into their car by Jimin as Hoseok opened the car door.

Their manager was really nice and took me to my place and we jammed to some music on the way there.

Tomorrow I got one busy schedule since the show is now being held earlier. I have practice with Jimin and then I have practice with my band mates since we haven't practiced at all what we're gonna do or what songs we're gonna perform.

The dance with Jimin I'm not as stressed about since my solo part I got down and the duet is almost perfect.

Hopefully all goes well tomorrow. Guess I just gotta wait and see.

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