Chapter 20

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Slowly opening my eyes I could barely lift my head up from the massive headache I had. I groaned out in pain as I made my self sit upright in my bed as I tried to recall what happened yesterday. Rosé... bar... then what?

I decided to be smart and ask Rosé instead since my brain wasn't going to function properly until my headache was gone. I walked out of my room noticing I was wearing shorts and a long t-shirt as I made my way towards the kitchen.

The smell of fresh pancakes immediately welcomed me as Rosé stood there finishing off the last pancake of the stack.

Lisa: "Food food food!"

Rosé: "Well good morning to you to."

Lisa: "Yah Rosie what happened yesterday?" I asked as I took a seat at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

Rosé: "We went to the bar, I had to leave since my friend wasn't feeling well. I called Jimin to take care of you and he brought you home an hour later. That's pretty much it." With that she put a plate with pancakes in front of me as I processed everything.

Lisa: "Okay... wait Jimin took me home?" Now I'm confused... did anything happen?

Jimin: "Heard my name being mentioned." And out of nowhere, like I had summoned him, Jimin appeared walking towards me from the living room.

Lisa: "Wh-what are you doing here? What happened yesterday?"

Rosé: "That's my cue to leave. Enjoy your pancakes Lali and take the medicine when you finish!"

With that, Rosé put the pill next to my plate before rushing to her room.

Jimin took slow steps towards me as I just sat on the high stool.

Jimin: "Do you really not remember what happened yesterday?" He asked stopping his movement when he reached right in front of me. When I slowly shook my head in response he sighed and continued. "Well maybe if I start recalling the events you'll remember. When I came I found you dancing with some random guy who you claimed to be hot. Which now that you're back to your normal state may I remind you is definitely not okay. Also he wasn't even that hot. Then I dragged you away which you got mad at me for doing, we kissed, I took you home, Rosé helped you get ready for bed, and I slept over on the couch." He said calmly as I sat there and listened. I tried using my full brain power to draw back the memories as he spoke as I slowly started to remember.

Hold up I kissed him...? I KISSED HIM!

Everything was as clear as day when I widened my eyes remembering what I did as I hid my face in my hands in embarrassment.

Jimin: "Ahh there you go, you remember now don't you."

He pulled my hands away from my face as he held them before using one of his hands to guide my chin to make me look at him.

We both just looked into each other's eyes before I leaned in putting my hand behind his neck to bring him closer and kissing him.


I could feel him smiling at first before he kissed back and carrying my body onto the empty part of the kitchen island as he stood between my legs. I genuinely felt like I was in one spicy kdrama right now.

When the realization that I wasn't in a spicy kdrama washed over me I put my hand on his chest and pulled away.

Lisa: "Where.. are my unnies?" I asked still slightly out of breath.

Jimin: "In their rooms the only one that I saw come out was Rosé." He said as he was stroking my cheek with his right hand as his left hand rested on my thigh.

Lisa: "Jimin if they come out of their rooms and see us like this we are dead-" I couldn't even finish my sentence when we heard one of the room's door unlock and open causing Jimin to take multiple steps back and me to hop off the counter.

Due to how startled I was, my feet ended up missing the floor as I fell onto the floor.

Jennie: "Jimin what are you doing here?" She asked as she made her way towards him and then noticed me fumbling to get up. "Uhm why we're you on the floor?"

Lisa: "Good morning unnie! Rosé made pancakes" I said in a sweet voice completely ignoring her question. Jennie furrowed her eyebrows but thankfully the food appeared to be more enticing than what was going on when she entered.

Jennie sat down and ate as I sat down next to her and decided to finish up my pancakes. I could feel that my cheeks were still red from whatever just happened a moment ago and Jimin staring at me while I ate was not helping.

Lisa: "Don't you have a group that needs you by now?" I asked, more like mumbled since my mouth was full of food.

Jennie: "First off Lili don't talk with your mouth full. Second of all, don't be rude, he's a guest" Jennie said scolding me.

Lisa: "I'm just saying that his members are probably really worried by now and so he should probably get going to them" this earned me a punch to the shoulder by Jennie.

Jimin: "Nah Lisa is right I should probably get going. I'll uh text you later alright?" He said and awkwardly waved goodbye to me. I knew he wanted to bid me a proper farewell but with Jennie here, a wave seemed appropriate enough. Jennie and I waved back before he left the dorm.

Rosé: "Aww did Jimin leave already?" She said as she walked into the kitchen stealing a piece of my pancake.

Jennie: "Yeah Lisa kicked him out."

Rosé: "Wow Lis you'd think that after yesterday-" thankfully she couldn't continue when I stuffed her mouth with a large piece of the pancake.

Jennie: "Yesterday? What happened yesterday?"

Lisa: "Oh nothing! We were out when we ran into Jimin who offered to take us home. Right Rosie?" Rosé sighed before nodding her head going along with the stupid story I made up. Jennie wasn't stupid though, she also knew me to well to know that the flustered state I was in didn't match the story I made up. Strangely enough however, she let the situation go and just enjoyed her pancakes.

A whole day passed an I got no text from Jimin. I had to admit that I was waiting for a message from him, but nope, I got nothing. I wasn't going to text him first either, what's the point of telling someone that you'll text them, IF YOU DONT TEXT THEM. It's okay... I'm definitely super calm.

Thankfully today I had something to take my attention off of that short Mochi. My manager had informed me that I had a photoshoot planned for Celine today which I was currently getting ready for.

I made my way to the studio with my manager where the photoshoot was going to be held in. It was a large studio that was decorated beautifully with props and other decorations scattered around the room. My manager called over the director who I've worked with multiple times. He wasn't Korean and so my manager couldn't talk to him but luckily being the multilingual queen I am, it wasn't a problem.

Director: "Lalisa Manoban! Thank you for coming today!" He said as he shook my hand.

Lisa: "Of course! Also please call me Lisa. So what's the plan for today?"

Director: "I'm glad you asked. We have actually brought in another special guest to shoot with you today to showcase our new collection. Let's wait until they arrive for me to introduce you to them."

Special guest? Was it going to be a model or an idol? I'm not used to doing shoots with other people so I'm feeling quite nervous. But how bad could it be?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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