Chapter 2

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"Ok so let me tell you the details"

Sajangnim: "Initially I had met up with Bang Si-Hyuk to see who was going to do the collaboration. After discussing we thought it would be a good idea to partner you up with Park Jimin. You will have your first training today just for you two to get to know each other and get comfortable. The official training will start tomorrow."

Park Jimin? From BTS? Does my boss WANT me to get into a controversy?! I just sit there and nod still confused and pretty scared.

Sajangnim: "Oh and before I forget, the practices will take place at the Big Hit company. Now I already informed your manager so you should make your way there now."

With that I stand up and bow before heading into the car and my manager drives me to the Big Hit building.

Before I get out of the car I put on my glasses, hat, and mask in case any photographer or anyone is lurking around.

I make my way inside to the front desk where there is a lady typing on a computer. I clear my throat to get her attention.

Lisa: "Hi, excuse me do you know where the dance practice room is?"

Lady: "Hello there. May I ask for what reason?"

Oh right. I take off my mask and hat and glasses before putting them in my bag and smile to her.

Lisa: "I'm here to work on a collaboration with Park Jimin."

She nods and tells me the way to the room where Park Jimin is waiting for me.

After going up with the elevator and a lot of rights and lefts I finally make it. I hear music playing so I knock on the door before entering.

I saw a startled Jimin standing in the middle of the room. I bow to him as he bows as well.

I put my stuff down and head towards him.

Lisa: "Hello my name is Lalisa but you can just call me Lisa for short."

I said nervously as I bow again. I heard Jimin chuckle so I stand upright and furrow my eyebrows.

Jimin: "I know who you are Lisa. But since we are being formal, I'm Park Jimin."

It was quiet for a couple of seconds before Jimin sits on the floor and speaks up.

Jimin: "I've seen your dance videos on your YouTube account and they're really good. Also your group's dances are pretty catchy."

Jimin says as he does the gun movement from D4.

I sit down next to him laughing before talking.

Lisa: "Thanks, you're also a really good dancer. I really like how you can dance so well to many different types of styles."

Not going to lie it was pretty awkward but I expected it since it's the first time we meet.

After talking for a while about our love for dance and doing iconic moves from the other person's group choreos we decided to play random music and freestyle.

As soon as the music started playing we both loosened up and did whatever came to mind.

We were both too in the music to realize that we ended up bumping into each other and fell on the floor.

We both started dying from laughter and apologizing to the other non stop.

After we both regained our breathes from laughing the door opened and there stood Taehyung.

Tae: "Oh hello" he bowed when he saw me so I got up and bowed as well before sitting back down. "Yah Jimin-ah I got you some food I'll leave it here by the door for when you finish. We'll be at the dorm."

With that Taehyung left a bag at the door and left.

I smiled brightly and Jimin noticed before questioning why I was smiling.

Lisa: "Reminds me of Rosé. Whenever I would be out practicing till late she would come to the company just to bring me some food."

Jimin: "I guess people born in the same year have a special connection. But I'm very grateful for all my band members since I would also be here until late at night and they would make sure to leave me some food at our dorm."

We both sit there looking at the wall recalling memories with our members.

After about a little while we both decided to get going.

Jimin: "Goodbye I'll see you tomorrow."

Lisa:: "Alright sounds good. Bye"

We wave to each other as we part our separate ways.

When I arrived home I immediately head to my room and sleep since I was really tired. I made sure to set my alarm so I don't oversleep.

Dance Partner {Jimin x Lisa}Where stories live. Discover now