Chapter 1

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Lisa POV

I was currently sitting with Rosie on the couch watching tv. I had just finished my dance lesson and wasn't feeling that tired so I decided to stay awake for a bit.

We were watching some funny cat videos (well I made Rosie watch them with me). Jisoo was in the kitchen rummaging through the snack drawer while Jennie was in her room probably asleep.

After about an hour of watching cat videos me and Rosie decided to call it a night and headed to sleep.

Once I changed into my comfy pjs and got into bed I scrolled a little through insta. I noticed a lot of pictures of ships.

"Huh there's a lot more photos today than usual" I thought as I tried scrolling to find something not ship related.

I didn't really care about these things since they didn't harm anyone. Even though most people my fans ship me with are people I don't even know personally, but at least it's harmless right?

I put my phone away, set my alarm, and drifted off to sleep.

The next day

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. Ring ring a ling~

I had a 9 am dance lesson today so I had to get ready. Thankfully it's my only lesson for the day.

I got ready and just wore my sweatpants, a crop top, and a jacket.

My manager came and dropped me off at my class and I made sure to thank them.

I entered the studio 5 minutes early so I decided to stretch. Exactly 5 minutes later my teacher/instructor came in.

"Good morning Lisa" she said as she put her stuff down. I got up and bowed respectfully.

She joined me and we both started stretching.

"Did you hear the news?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What news?" I responded.

"So you didn't hear about it? Well it's been blowing up everywhere about how you are going to have a dance performance with a member of a famous boy group" she replied casually.

"Wait wait wait. I wasn't informed about anything. Maybe it's just a rumor like all the other ones before it" I said recalling the amount of times this same rumor had been said.

She shrugged before standing up "I guess but just make sure with your boss just in case. Now let's start."

After practice at the dorm

I opened the door of the dorm and saw Jennie sitting on the couch.

"Hi unnie! Where's the rest?" I said waving my hand and took off my shoes.

"Oh hey Lili! Rosé has a photo shoot and Jisoo is getting her nails done and then going shopping with Rosé when she finishes. So looks like it's just the two of us" she informed me as she looks through her phone and munches on some chips.

I nodded my head and went to go get a glass of water.

"Oh btw Lili did you hear the news?!" Jennie yelled from the living room. 'More news?' I thought to myself.

I put the glass in the sink before going back to where Jennie was sitting. "What news?"

"You are going to have a collaboration with someone for a performance in the up coming award show" she told me excitedly.

"So it wasn't a rumor? And how did you know? Do you know who I will collaborate with?" I bombarded her with questions.

"Apparently no one told you anything" she sighed before continuing "sajangnim called me and told me to inform you about the news. I'm not sure who it is so you are going to have to check with him." Jennie spoke slowly making sure she didn't forget anything.

I nodded my head and decided to go check with sajangnim who I was going to do this dance with.

At the YG building

I knocked and waited a couple seconds before getting told to come in.

I opened the door and bowed seeing my boss smile.

"Oh Lisa you are here! Great I was just going to ask you to come. I'm sure you have already heard about the news so let me just tell you the details about this whole dance performance" he said smiling and signaled me to have a seat.

"Ok so let me tell you the details..."

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