Chapter 15

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The door flung open and I almost jumped out of my skin. Well I actually did jump and fall. I was currently on the floor holding my chest. I looked up to see my makeup artist, Maeng unnie. Both mine and Jimin's faces were really red and she probably noticed due to the fact that she gave me a questioning look before shaking it off.

Maeng: "Yah Lisa I've been looking everywhere for you. We need to go!" She spoke making her way towards me as she helped me off the ground.

Jimin bowed to her as she bowed back before she started dragging me outside. I told her I left something inside but I actually just wanted to say bye to Jimin.

However she stood at the door making sure I don't take too long.

Lisa: "Talk to you later?"

Jimin: "Of course, text me when you get home."

I nodded in response before going out to meet Maeng as she continued to drag me towards the exit. Once we were outside I noticed the amount of black cars there were. Probably for all the idols.

As Maeng was still dragging me I saw Hoseok entering a car. He waved to me and smiled as I waved back of course.

Were we friends? I would say we are just not really close.

I honestly felt like a child being dragged by their mother, SHE WAS STILL DRAGGING ME! I entered the car sitting next to Rosé as Jisoo and Jennie were in the car behind us.

Rosé: "What took you so long? I've been waiting since FOREVER!" She spoke making sure to put emphasis on the word 'forever'.

Lisa: "It wasn't that long. Besides you are my best friend you should be used to it."

Before we left, I heard some fans screaming my name outside the car. So I decided to put the window down as they took some pictures and we shared a couple of words. Before I could tell them goodbye or even finish the conversation our driver decided to roll the window upwards as I was leaning on it. Rosé pulled me away from the window and I sat back in my chair normally. She looked really mad but thankfully I wasn't hurt.

Rosé: "Yah didn't you see her?! A warning or anything could've been nice!" She spoke to the driver who was taken a back because she never spoke in such a harsh tone.

Lisa: "It's okay I'm fine Rosie." I tried telling her to calm her down. I was upset I couldn't continue talking to my fans but I hated seeing my second half so mad.

Rosé: "No it's not okay. Please learn from now on to be more careful." She spoke her tone going almost back to normal. The driver nodded in response as he mumbled something under his breath that we didn't catch.

We started talking about random things once the car started moving. I remembered earlier at the performance area backstage and decided to ask Rosie about it.

Lisa: "Hey can I ask you something?" She replied nodding before I continued. "What were you and Jimin talking about?"

Rosé: "It's nothing." She replied and I decided to leave it at there knowing that it wasn't any of my business to keep asking questions.

I really wanted to talk to Blinks so we decided to go live in the car until we reached our home.

Lisa and Rosé: "Hi Blinksss! How are you? Did you guys like the performance?" We spoke in union before looking at each other and giggling. Most of the comments praised us for the performances. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of comments talking about mine and Jimin's performance.

Rosé: "Would I go on a date with Lisa or Jisoo?" She read out a question as I looked at her. "Lisa is already my wifey sorry Jisoo unnie." She spoke again as I gave her a thumbs up.

I got a call from Jennie and didn't know whether to put her on speaker or not so I just answered normal just in case.

Jennie: "Hi Lili is we're watching the live video!" I laughed before putting her on speaker. "Hi Blinkeu! How are you guys!" She yelled through the phone.

Rosé: "How about we do a group live when we get home?"

We all agreed to Rosé's suggestion. After a while we ended the live and slept for the rest of the way because of how exhausted we were.

Once we got home we did the live all together. It wasn't long since we just wanted to thank blinks for their endless support, talk a little, and answer some questions.

During the question part of the live I remembered to text Jimin. I was sitting on the couch next to Jennie while Rosé and Jisoo were on the floor.

Hi! Whatcha dooin?>

Short Mochi:
<Hey Lalice. Nothing much just watching some tv.

Ohhh alrighty. >
Well I'll talk to you later I gotta go!>

Short Mochi:
<No problem! Talk to u later :D

After that I put my focus back on the live. We ended it pretty soon which probably upset our fans but we all really needed to sleep.

The next day we all spent inside as a lazy day. I didn't really enjoy not doing anything but honestly I was kind of used to it. Nothing interesting happened today except just bonding with my members.

We watched movies, videos online, played with our pets, and ate... a lot.

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