Chapter 18

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I was about to leave the dorm but Jimin had stopped me and made Jungkook drive me home because he didn't want me to walk alone this late at night.

The drive was pretty quiet and quick. There was barely anyone on the road and so it was quite calming actually.

The next day I woke up to my phone ringing and I was having such a nice dream!! Whoever woke me up will pay.

Lisa: "What do you want? Why are you calling me so early?" I asked half awake after answering the phone without looking at the caller.

Bambam: "So early? Lali it's 3 pm. Now get your sleepy self up and open the door for me."

Lisa: "What it's 3 already? And why are you even here-" I was about to continue my question but he closed the call. Ugh that kid I swear.

I went to the front door and opened up finding the child himself standing there. I stood to the side to let him in as he walked in and plopped himself on the couch.

Lisa: "Make yourself at home I guess." I said rolling my eyes going to grab some water from the kitchen.

Bambam: "You look like you just woke up Lalisa." He spoke loudly so I can hear him.

Lisa: "Huh really? Maybe it's because someone over here woke me up!" I replied making my way to the couch.

Bambam: "Well in my defense I was bored and either way I was going to stop by to pick you up so why not just come bother you beforehand." He said shrugging.

Lisa: "And your manager is okay with this?"

Bambam: "Yup! Everyone knows we have been friends since we were tiny little kids so if anyone had seen me they wouldn't think much of it." I nodded my head, I mean that does make a lot of sense. "Oh btw the restaurant changed the reservation to 5 so if I was you I would get ready. No offense but you don't look so good."

Lisa: "YAH! I SWEAR IM GOING TO END YOU!" I yelled at him holding up my fist as he just bursted out laughing.

That kid must be blind because I look good no matter what.

I went to my room, brushed my teeth, took a shower, dried my hair and picked out a cute fit. I picked out a grey turtleneck shirt with long sleeves, black jeans, and this huge black puffy jacket. I made sure to grab my bag before going back out to where Bambam was sitting.

Bambam: "Finally the model is here!" He said sarcastically and clapped. "Now let's get going the restaurant is quite far away."

When we went outside I noticed his car parked but his manager wasn't there. He opened up the passenger door for me and made his way to the drivers seat. He was gonna drive? Oh no.

Bambam: "I promise you I can drive." He spoke out as if he read my thoughts. I nodded and mumbled a 'we'll see' in return. "So you and Jimin huh? Y'all dating?"

Lisa: "What? We're just friends."

Bambam: "We're just friEnDs." He said mocking me. "It's so obvious he likes you and it's even more obvious you like him too."

Lisa: "What kind of nonsense are you talking about? He so does not like me."

Bambam: "First off you're just too blind to realize it and second off you didn't deny the fact that you like him." He said raising an eyebrow.

Lisa: "Yah shut up. I don't like him, he doesn't like me. End of story Bam."

Bambam: "Ok ok! But when you two end up together I'll be the first to say 'I told you so'."

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