Chapter 17

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I wasn't going to check the message but I decided I would after a couple of minutes of contemplating if I was up to chat with someone.

Short Mochi:
<Lisa-yahhhh! I'm sooo sorry for not texting you in such a long time I've been really busy! TT

Mochiii! I thought something happened to you!>

Short Mochi:
<Aww I'm sorry for worrying you. How about we hangout? My treat

Free food? I am so down>

Short Mochi:
<Tsk you don't want to hangout with your best friend? Just food? Anyways get ready I'll be there in 15

Alrighty call me when you're here I'll go get ready!>

I made my way towards my room to get ready. I decided to wear a white turtleneck sweater, baggy jeans, and a coat. The outfit was super comfy and warm. I left my hair down and grabbed my bag. My phone started to ring as I immediately answered without needing to look at the caller.

Jimin told me he was waiting outside so I rushed out of my room. When I went out of the house I saw Jimin standing in front of his car waving as I waved back.

He opened the passenger door for me as I sat inside putting on my seatbelt. The car was really warm thankfully because it was freezing outside.

Jimin: "I'm going to take you to my favorite café."

Lisa: "Sounds exciting plus I'm really hungry so let's gooo!!" I spoke excitedly as he smiled before taking off.

The ride wasn't that long and we were just  bopping to my playlist since he let me play my music.

When we made it at the café my jaw dropped at the amount of people there. I looked over to Jimin worriedly as he also seemed shocked.

Jimin: "I have never seen so much people at a café before. How about I go get us some food and drinks while you stay here?" That was probably the only option we had since there was no way we could go in there together. I nodded slowly in agreement as he put on his mask and hat before leaving.

Jimin made sure to leave the keys with me so the car could stay on and be warm.

I was chilling in the car before my phone started to ring.

Lisa: "Hello?"

Bambam: "Yah Pokpak why aren't you answering my messages?" Messages? What messages?

I look at my phone and see a bunch of messages asking if I was free and if he can call me.

Lisa: "Whoops sorry I was listening to music."

Bambam: "That's okay but I wanted to ask if you were still down to hangout with me and some friends?"

Lisa: "Yeah of course I am!"

Bambam: "Okay sweet! We were thinking of hanging out tomorrow? If it's too soon I can try and reschedule."

Lisa: "Oh no need I really don't have any plans these upcoming two weeks so that's sounds great! But what's the plan? Where are we going and what time?"

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