Chapter 11

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I grabbed my keys from my bag when I arrived at the door but I couldn't put them in because my hands were shaking.

Right when I was about to put them in the door opened and I see Rosé giving me a small smile as she mouthed 'good luck'.

I walked in and saw Jisoo sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal.

I was about to make a run for it to my room when I heard Jisoo clear her voice.

Jisoo: "Not so fast missy. Get your long legs over here."

I look over to Rosé who just gives me a thumbs up and heads to her room. Wow, what a traitor.

I take a seat in front of her as she finishes her cereal before speaking up.

Jisoo: "Do you know what time it is?"

Lisa: "It is currently... 1:18 unnie" I say checking my phone.

Jisoo: "And what time did I tell you to be home by?"

Lisa: "I believe you said 11."

Jisoo: "Great job. Care to explain why you are home so late?"

Lisa: "I'm sorry I didn't keep track of time but I promise I was being safe."

Jisoo: "Lisa-ya I was really worried you could've called, or texted, or even sent a letter! Anything to let me know you were okay!" She said sighing out of frustration.

Jisoo: "You know how dangerous it is to be out this late and not to mention you are a FEMALE idol. I really don't want you getting hurt or in trouble."

Lisa: "I know you are just caring about me and I'm sorry for not letting you know but nothing was going to happen because I was with Jimin." I say trying to lighten up the mood a little.

Jisoo: "That's the thing is that I don't know him so how do I know he is going to take care of you?"

Lisa: "Because I know him unnie. And if you trust me than you can trust that he is a good person who would take care of me."

Jisoo unnie took a deep breathe before telling me to go sleep and get some rest. But before she let me go she made me promise to always contact her or any of the members if I'm out.

The next day

Time to repeat everyday's same routine. But surprisingly today I was in a really good mood. Why? What it because of yesterday? Hmmm I'm not sure.

As usual I got ready and decided to wear some white sweatpants and a red crop top matching them with some white sneakers.

Happy with how I look (not that it matters) I made my way to big hit.

Once I arrived I bowed to the receptionist who is already used to me and went towards the practice room. When I arrived I heard music but it wasn't mine nor Jimin's music. I opened the door slowly and saw Hobi dancing. I didn't want to disturb him so I stood at the door and watched. He was definitely one of the best dancers I knew.

Once he finished he didn't even seem slightly tired. He got surprised when he heard clapping and looked towards the door where I was standing.

Lisa: "Wah you are such a good dancer! How are you not even tired?!"

Hoseok: "Thank you Lisa-ya" He spoke as he bowed thanking me.

Jimin walked inside as we both greeted him.

Hoseok: "Ok you too, the performance is exactly two days from now. So today you will be trying on the outfits you will wear for the performance. You will have two different outfits, one for your solo and one for the duet got it?" He stated as we both nodded our heads.

Just as Hoseok said that both mine and Jimin's styling team walked in. We both split up and went to our separate teams.

I bowed and said hi to my unnies and then started to see what they had in mind. Surprisingly all the outfits were really nice yet simple which I liked. I wanted my outfit for the solo to be simple yet hot. For the duet I wanted to go for something cute.

I sat down and was stuck between two outfits my stylist picked for me. Jimin walked over and stood behind my chair peaking over looking at both outfits I was holding.

Lisa: "Shouldn't you be picking your own outfits?"

Jimin: "Yeah but you look like you're struggling so why not give my opinion."

Lisa: "Who said I wanted you opinion?" I asked sassily turning my head to face him.

Jimin: "Ok miss feisty why don't eat me instead." Jimin retorted back and was about to walk away before I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back giggling.

Lisa:"Yah Mochi I'm sorry now pick."

Jimin: "Is this for your solo?" He asked and I nodded. "This one. It's simple where everyone will be able to focus on your dancing but also hot." He pointed at the outfit I was holding on the right as I nodded.

Jimin walked to the table where my other outfit for the duet was and asked if this was for the duet and I nodded.

Jimin walked over to where his team was and wanted to look for something to match my outfit for the duet.

I walked over to him and sat next to Hoseok as we watched Jimin and his stylist try to pick an outfit.

The stylist noticed my presence and smiled at me.

Stylist: "Oh my! You are so pretty!" She spoke as I stood up and bowed to her and thanked her.

Stylist: "Yah Jimin I wanna work with her instead." She joked as we all laughed then she went back to her job.

Jimin's stylist pulled out two really nice outfits that matched perfectly and we all liked them.

Next on our list was to practice with these outfits to make sure we are comfortable.

(You will see the outfits on the performance days :P)

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