Chapter 6

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I took the menu and looked at it excitedly.

Jimin: "Someone looks happy."

Lisa: "Of course I'm happy I'm gonna eat and not to mention it's a Thai restaurant!"

Jimin: "What about me? Are you not happy that you are out with me?" He asked as he faked being hurt.

Lisa: "Yah stop your acting. I'm happy to be here with you but mainly the food."

Jimin: "Ok fine I'll accept that."

We looked over the menu as I told Jimin about the different options and what I would recommend.

He ended up ordering what I ordered even though he doesn't know what it was.

When the lady came to take our order she asked if we knew Thai because her Korean wasn't that good.

I ordered and spoke to her a bit in Thai while Jimin was completely lost.

When the lady left I looked back at Jimin when I heard him chuckle.

Jimin: "When you speak in Thai it's even cuter than when you speak in Korean."

Lisa: "How does one even speak cutely?"

Jimin: "I don't know but you just sound cute."

I felt my cheeks heat up as he pinched my cheeks.

We talked about random things such as our pre debut days and funny childhood stories.

Jimin was really interested in my life back in Thailand so I ended up promising to take him there someday.

As we talked we started getting into deep topics and things we were worried about.

I don't know about Jimin but for some reason I felt really comfortable talking to him and told him things that I haven't even told my band mates.

After finishing their food and fighting over the bill (Jimin won but Lisa will pay for dessert).

We walked out of the restaurant as we thought of what we could have for dessert.

Lisa: "How about some ice cream?"

Jimin: "Sure why not."

I pointed at the ice cream stand across the road as Jimin nodded and grabbed my hand.

Growing up in Thailand I was friends with a lot of guys (and still am) so I was used to small things like these. But for some reason I felt myself blush when he held my hand.

We crossed the road and got our ice cream which I payed for.

I handed Jimin his ice cream which he gladly took.

I decided to grab my phone as we were walking and take a photo of him, cuz why not? I may or may not love taking photos of everyone.

(There was no one around them so they can take off their masks and be in peace btw.)

Jimin: "Hey I was eating why did you take a photo?"

Lisa: "Don't worry you don't look bad." I said before I showed him my phone:

Lisa: "See! You are a model!" I said giggling but Jimin just rolled his eyes playfully

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Lisa: "See! You are a model!" I said giggling but Jimin just rolled his eyes playfully.

Jimin took out his phone and took a picture of me:

Jimin: "How is this fair? You get to look like this when you eat but I looked high!"

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Jimin: "How is this fair? You get to look like this when you eat but I looked high!"

Lisa: "Life isn't fair Mochi." I said as I shrugged before walking.

Jimin caught up to me and walked beside me.

Lisa: "Oh btw send me that photo I look nice." I said as he nodded.

We were walking peacefully just enjoying the fresh air and our ice creams.

We were leaning on his car as we were eating (or I was Jimin had already finished his).

Jimin stood in front of me as I was leaning on his car.

Lisa: "Done!"

As he was standing in front of me he leaned closer as I widened my eyes.

Jimin: "You got some ice cream here." He said as used his thumb to wipe the corner of my lips.

Lisa: "O-oh thanks." Why did I stutter?!

After he removed the ice cream he didn't move away and was still really close to my face.

I was currently panicking from inside as he leaned.


My brain went full panic mode and I stood there frozen, I couldn't even blink.

Jimin realized what was happening and stepped back, I felt kind of.. upset?

Jimin: "So uh let's get you back home?" He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

He opened the door for my and then he started to drive off. The ride was completely silent and both of us just kept taking glances at each other every now and then.

At Lisa's dorm

When we made it to my place Jimin stepped out of the car and opened the car door for me which is still so cute.

Lisa: "Thanks for today Mochi I had a lot of fun. See you tomorrow for practice!" I said as nodded in response.

Jimin: "I had a lot of fun too. See ya tomorrow Lili."

He hugged me and I was a bit surprised but hugged him back and I didn't want to let go.

I know it sounds stupid but I felt so safe and warm... but all good things come to an end.

I entered the dorm to find all three girls sitting on the couch looking at me weirdly.

Rosie was smirking while Jisoo had her hands crossed and Jennie looked mad.

Oh great....

Jennie: "You have a lot of explaining to do young lady."

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