Chapter 19

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Jungkook and I turned towards the person who stood at the bottom of the staircase clearing their voice.

Jungkook: "Oh hey hyung." He said greeting his older member.

Jimin: "What are you doing here Lisa?" Jimin said ignoring the younger one.

Lisa: "I was just dropping off Jungkook's jacket." I said pointing at the jacket that laid on the couch. Jimin seemed like he wanted to ask something but instead he just nodded. "Do you two wanna go chill somewhere or get something to eat?" I said trying to break the weird silence.

Jungkook: "Yeah that sounds great-"

Jimin: "I have plans you two have fun though." He said suddenly and left the dorm.

He has plans? That's new. I'm honestly pretty bummed that he couldn't come.

Jungkook: "Hey Lisa how about we go to your dance practice room and we can chill a bit and dance?" He suggested which sounded great to me as I nodded eagerly in response.

We took his car to YG. I notified my manager in the car so that we could enter from the back.

Jungkook followed me as I led the way to the dance room. There was obviously more then one but I always go to the one specifically designated for BlackPink.

It was very quiet as we were stretching. All of a sudden Jungkook said something that was meant to be a whisper but it was still loud enough for me to hear.

Jungkook: "Jimin hyung has been going out a lot recently. I used to think it was with you."

Lisa: "Oh? We haven't hung out in quite a bit of time." I said as he immediately looked towards me. Jungkook nodded his head still thinking. I was also wondering who Jimin might have been hanging out with but it wasn't any of my business.

I got a text from Rosie asking if I wanted anything while she was out. I didn't know where she was going so I just told her to get me anything of her choice. This girl knows me better than I do so anything she picks will definitely be good.

I then set my phone aside and we decided to choreograph a dance together to an upbeat song. We both added our inputs and Jungkook genuinely had some amazing ideas.

Jungkook: "Imagine we post this dance on v live." He said out of the blue.

Lisa: "People would definitely go crazy" I didn't even have to mention why the biggest reason people would go crazy since we both knew we were probably the most shipped idols.

As we were practicing the dance Jungkook decided to do the dance in an upset way. It was hilarious how upbeat the song and dance were but he looked so hurt and made the movements reflect that. I couldn't stop laughing the whole time he was dancing which challenged him to keep going with his show and not laugh too. Inevitably he ended up joining me in laughing.

I went out of the practice room to go get us some water and snacks but as I was walking I noticed two people (a boy and girl) standing in the corner of one of the hallways. At first I didn't think much of it except that no one ever goes there since the rooms weren't ready yet and kept walking. Before I passed that hallway I felt like I recognized these two..? I walked closer and realized they were just two staff members.

I started to make my way back to the vending machine that had snacks.

Jungkook: "Whatcha getting" he said as he put his head on my shoulder from behind making me slightly jump.

Lisa: "I'm getting a bag of chips and water. What do you want?"

Jungkook: "I'll get the same then" he said taking his head off my shoulder and getting his stuff.

Dance Partner {Jimin x Lisa}Where stories live. Discover now