Chapter 12

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Day of the show!

Last night I was so nervous and couldn't sleep but luckily Jimin called me and reassured me that everything was going to be okay. When I woke up everyone else was also awake and we were all running around our house super nervous. Especially me, all the members say I get the most nervous before a show and it's true because I want everything to be perfect.

Now the show expands onto multiple days so that everyone doesn't have to cram in one day. Today was the group performance along with my duet with Jimin and Jennie's solo. Rosé and Jisoo will be performing their collaboration tomorrow.

We all sat down at the dinner table together and talked about how we felt and cheered each other on. We had a bit of time to kill because the performance so we ordered some food but still being conscious about the time. Once we all finished we all went to the stadium where the show was being held.

When we made it to the artist section we were brought to our room where we were going to get ready. Before I entered I noticed that Twice was in the room next to us and saw Momo standing outside. I decided like the social butterfly I was to go and talk to her. I walked towards her and tapped her shoulder lightly.

Lisa: "Hi Momo-shi!" I said and bowed.

Momo: "Oh hello Lisa." She said as she bowed slightly smiling.

Lisa: "I really love your dancing and your groups' songs are really catchy! I'm really excited to watch you."

Momo: "Oh wow thank you so much! Your dancing is incredible too. We should collaborate sometime. I would love to get to know you Lisa. Btw good luck on the performance!"

Manager: "Yah Lalisa let's start getting you girls ready!" My manager said signaling to head inside the room. I nodded to her before looking back at Momo.

I asked for her number so that we can keep in touch and she immediately accepted and saved her number in my phone. We bid our goodbyes as we walked into our separate rooms.

We (BlackPink) all walked over to our manager who told us the order of the performances. First would be Jennie's solo, followed by our group performance, ending it off with my performance. And incase you were curious, BTS will be performing after us.

Make-up artist: "Yah Lalisa you got this!" My make-up artist tells me knowing that I probably was really nervous and continued putting on my make up.

Lisa: "Thank you unnie."

It was pretty quiet as everyone was focused on their job. We were sitting still as our make up artists did our make up. The stylists were preparing our outfits and the hair stylists were adding their final touches.

The make up artist finished and dayummm do I look good. I mean I always look good but now I look really good. Anyways we all get dressed in our outfits and added any last touches and it was finally time.

'You got this Lalisa'

I repeated over and over again in my head. Usually I am nervous before performances but this time was different. Maybe because I was scared of the reaction we would get for the duet? Probably.

Jennie was getting ready to go on stage and we all made sure to cheer for her. I stood with Jisoo and Rosé as we watched in front of the tv taking deep breaths.

I jumped when I felt someone's arms around me hugging me from behind. I was ready to punch them when they whispered:

"You look really stressed, calm down Lisa you got this and you know it."

I immediately knew it was Jimin and he let me go as I turned around to face him. He was wearing his outfit for the duet. After I heard him reassuring me I calmed down a lot and a wave of confidence washed over me.

We were called to get ready to enter the stage but before we were sent up I heard Jimin yell.

Jimin: "You got this! I'll see you on stage Lisa-yah!"

Let the show begin.

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