Chapter 7

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I slowly walked in absolutely terrified.

I sat on the chair that was near the couch that they were sitting on.

It was very quiet and they were all looking at me and I was really uncomfortable.

Jisoo: "What were you doing?"

Lisa: "I was just hanging out with Jimin.."

Jennie: "Just hanging out? Lisa imagine if someone caught you. Plus it's not like he's one of your known friends like BamBam, people would freak out if they knew!"

Lisa: "I understand but unnie we were just hanging out. I have a stage collaboration with him am I not allowed to get to know him?"

Rosé: "It's still strange how you two got paired up but we just want to protect you."

Lisa: "I know you guys are just looking out for me and I promise to be careful but we're just friends trust me."

Jennie: "Sure just friends. Okay all seriousness aside how was it?" She asked getting all excited and all their faces changed from serious to smiling.

Rosé: "Tell us everything!"

I sighed and told them what happened. I made sure to answer their dumb questions as if it was a class.

I told them everything, well not the part where Jimin almost kissed me... oh my god I forgot that Jimin almost kissed me.

Lisa get yourself together!

But other than that I told them everything else.

Jisoo: "If he hurts you I won't hesitate to put him in the hospital." Jisoo said after I finished telling them what happened.

Lisa: "Unnie it's okay Jimin is a really nice guy."

I went up to my room after they finished interrogating me.

I was laying on my bed when I heard the door open as Rosie came in.

Rosé: "Hey Lili, quick question." She said as she took a seat on my bed. I nodded and waited for her to continue.

Rosé: "Do you like Jimin? Or do you have any feelings for him?"

I was pretty shocked with her question and stayed quiet for a couple of seconds.

Lisa: "Uh no we're just friends."

Rosé: "Lisa I know you better than anyone. Why did you hesitate if you guys are just friends hm?"

Lisa: "Rosie if I liked him you would be the first person to know. I hesitated because I was just surprised with your question. Besides I got no time for dating in my life."

Rosé: "Fine I won't push you but just think about it." With that Rosé got up and left.

Think about it?
Think about what?
What does she mean?

I'm too tired to think about Rosé's confusing words.

The next morning

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Jennie: "Lisa open the door!"

I got up sleepily and went to open the door to see Jennie and Jisoo.

Jennie: "See! I told you she was asleep!"

Jisoo: "Lisa your alarm has been ringing for an hour turn it off!"

What? My alarm?

I look back and see that my alarm was on and I hadn't even noticed it was ringing.

Oh shoot! It's 9:30 and I have to be there at 10!

I get ready at the speed of light and run downstairs to the car not even bothering to get breakfast.

My hair was a mess so I put it up in a ponytail in the car. I grabbed whatever clothes I laid my hands on first which turned out to be a black crop top and some black sweatpants which isn't that bad.

I made it to the building and ran in and got to the room as fast as I could.

When I entered I saw Hoseok and Jimin stretching.

Lisa: "I'm so sorry I'm late! I didn't hear my alarm and-" I was cut off by Hoseok.

Hoseok: "Lisa calm down it's fine! You're only a couple minutes late so come stretch and don't worry about it."

I sat beside them and started to stretch.

All three of us stretched and talked and Hoseok told us about his plan with the dance.

Hoseok got up after we finished stretching and went over to the speakers.

He played a song called "Talking to myself" by Gallant.

Hoseok: "What do you guys think of the song?" He asked as I showed him a thumbs up and Jimin nodded his head.

Hoseok: "Ok great. Oh by the way do you guys mind if there's parts in the dance where you touch each other? Nothing to crazy but just like jumps and waist."

Jimin looked at me to make sure I was comfortable and I just nodded my head.

Jimin: "I'm fine with it as long as you are comfortable Lisa."

Lisa: "Yeah I'm down why not."

Hoseok: "Great then let's get started with the dance shall we?"

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