Chapter 14

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Lisa: "Jiminie?" I asked recognizing the guy that stood with his back towards me as I heard him laughing with someone.

When he turned around after hearing me call for him I noticed that he was talking to... Rosé? What were they talking about?

I made my way towards them as Jimin waved to me and Rosé was just smiling. I really wanted to know what they were talking about.

Jimin: "Hey Lisa" Jimin greeted me.

Lisa: "Hey what's up? Hi Rosie"

Rosé: "Hey Lali, nothing much. I have to go find Jisoo unnie. Oh and Jimin don't forget what I said earlier." She spoke before leaving me all confused.

Lisa: "What did she tell you?" I asked curiously facing towards me.

A small smile appeared on his face as he crossed his arms before replying.

Jimin: "I see you are really curious hm?"

Lisa: "Indeed I am. So are you going to tell me?"

Jimin: "Sorry Lis no can do it's a secret between us." He replied obviously teasing me.

Lisa: "Woahhh are you keeping secrets from me now? With my own best friend?"

Jimin: "There's a lot of things you don't know about young one." He spoke as he patted my head. I pouted in response.

I then heard my name being called and turned around seeing Bambam in front of me as Jimin removed his hand from my head.

I hugged him tightly since I wasn't able to when we were on stage. Not realizing behind me stood a pretty jealous Jimin poking his inner cheek with his tongue glaring at Bambam.

Bambam: "Yo sorry I'm late. Got caught up by my manager."

Lisa: "It's no worries! By the way did you get taller since I saw you on stage?" I said realizing the major height difference.

Bambam: "Nope you are just short."

We continued talking and laughing before I remembered Jimin who was surprisingly still behind me looking quite annoyed. Bambam also noticed him and bowed respectfully and greeted him. However the sour look of Jimin's face did not fade.

Bambam was slightly taller than Jimin however since he's younger and a respectful lad he bowed a full 90 degrees.

Bambam: "Hello my name is Bambam from Got7." He stated quite formally which caused me to giggle.

Jimin: "How do you know him?" He asked me totally disregarding Bambam.

Lisa: "He's my childhood best friend. We used to be in the same dance team since we are both from Thailand. Also we were born in the same year but he's two months younger." I said nudging Bambam at the fact he was younger than me.

Bambam: "Yah it's only a month and a couple of days. Either way you are still shorter than me Pokpak."

Lisa: "Respect your elders!" I teased back crossing my arm.

At the corner of my eye I could see Jimin rolling his eyes. Is he okay?

Jimin: "Hey Bambam shouldn't you get going to your group? Everyone is leaving soon."

Bambam: "Ohh you are right Jimin sunbae. Hey Pokpak here's my number so we can chat and catch up." With that he handed my a piece of paper and left.

After Bambam left I went with Jimin to an empty room because the hallway started getting crowded as people started clearing out the stuff.

I looked over at Jimin who let out a sigh before diverting his eyes to the piece of paper in my hands. I then added his number added his number in my contacts before diverting my eyes to Jimin and meeting his eyes. It was like this for a while and I felt quite intimidated before I decided to clear my throat and say anything.

Lisa: "Bambam is a really nice guy if you get to know him."

Jimin: "I'm not interested in getting to know him, can we change the subject?"

Lisa: "Sure, let's talk about why are you so mad?"

Jimin: "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Lisa: "Really? So you aren't by any chance jealous?" I asked walking closer to him with confidence that appeared out of no where.

Jimin: "Not at all Lalisa. Why would I be jealous anyways." He spoke not moving from his spot despite me moving closer.

Lisa: "You sure about that Park Jimin? I could've sworn you were throwing darts at him with that stare the whole time and were about to end him when he gave me his number." I whisper in his ear as I got on my tippy toes wrapping my arms around his neck. I wasn't blind and knew him too well to not noticed that the sour look was from jealousy.

Jimin: "Being a bit too bold hm? You are probably just imagining things Miss Lalisa." He spoke softy slowly putting his arms around my waist.

My heart right now was beating rapidly and after I moved away from his ear our faces were inches apart. We've been this close before but it always ends up with an interruption. But now there was no one to interrupt us and it seemed like he had the same idea.

I slowly found my eyes closing on their own. I could feel his breath on my skin. We were so close yet neither one of us moved. I felt Jimin pull me closer (if that was even possible) and then. . .

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for 1k reads! I honestly can't believe it and that people are actually reading my story. If you are enjoying the story please leave a comment and vote for the chapters! Comments make my day honestly. Anyways that's all I just wanted to thank you guys for 1k reads. Love y'all <3

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