Chapter 10

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We were currently taking a break from practice and so all four of us were sitting on the floor in a circle.

Rosé: "How is practice for your performance going?"

Lisa: "It's going great! I'm having a lot of fun and Hobi and Jimin are really nice."

Jisoo: "Hobi?" She questioned raising an eyebrow at the nickname.

Lisa: "Yeah...?" I replied back.

Jennie: "Can we see a sample of your dance Lili?" Jennie unnie asked with puppy eyes (even though she's a cat).

Lisa: "Nope, you have to wait for the performance." I said shaking my head as they all kept asking me to show them.

Rosé: "Not even for your best friend?"

Lisa: "Sorry Rosie, not even you."

We continued practice until it was 8 pm. Our teacher let us leave so we can rest.

At the dorm
I was laying on the couch with Jisoo when I saw a test pop up on my phone.

Lisa's phone
Short Mochi:
<Hey Lisa can we meet up?

Hey Jimin, what's up?>
Isn't it a bit late?>

Short Mochi:
<I know and I'm really sorry
<Just for a little bit

Ok fine, you are worrying me tho>
Where do u wanna meet up?>

Short Mochi:
<There's a private park no one
goes to I'll text you the address
<xxxx park

Alright I'll be there in 5 minutes>

I got up from the couch and grabbed my bag, mask, and hat. As I was heading towards the door I heard Jisoo speaking.

Jisoo: "Yah Lalisa where do you think you are going this late?"

Lisa: "Oh I'm just going to meet a friend."

Jisoo: "I'm not letting you leave this late."

Lisa: "Please unnieeee!" I said pouting.

She sighed before giving me a signal to go.

Obviously she made me promise her to be home before 11 since it's currently 8:30 pm.

The park was pretty close so I decided to walk. As I reached the park I couldn't see anyone around. It was dark and only one lamppost shined. I was not getting good vibes from this place.

I heard footsteps come near me and I immediately turned around. I didn't see anyone and I felt myself starting to shake from fear.

After a minute or so I felt someone hug me from behind as I let out a scream before they covered my mouth.

Is this how I'm gonna get kidnapped?!

Jimin: "Shhh, chill Lili it's just me." He said whispering before taking his hand off my mouth.

I turned around and punched him in his arm as he just looked confused.

Lisa: "That'a what you get for scaring me! I swear my soul left my body for a solid two seconds!"

Jimin just laughed as I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

Jimin: "Hey lighten up! I'm sorry." He said swinging an arm around my shoulders and taking by me to a bench.

Lisa: "Ugh whatever. Why did you want to meet up anyways."

Jimin: "What am I not allowed to hangout with my favorite dance buddy?" He asked winking.

Ugh there goes the mr flirt over here. I quickly shook off this weird feeling in my stomach and tried my best not to blush.

Lisa: "I never said that but it's really late so I thought something was up."

Jimin: "Nope everything is fine I just missed you." He said quietly as he scratched the back of his neck.

Okay this weird feeling in my stomach has got to go.

Lisa: "Aww chim chim missed me?" I asked teasingly.

Jimin: "Well- wait what did you call me?"

Lisa: "chim chim? What? Do you not like it?" I asked but he shook his head rapidly.

Jimin: "No I was just not expecting it. Anything that comes out of that pretty mouth is fine with me."

I looked at him with a disgusted face as I got up and was about to walk away. He took my wrist quickly and made me sit back down.

Lisa: "If you are gonna flirt at least be smooth about it."

We talked for what like forever. For some reason whenever we talk it never gets boring, there is always something to talk about and I really enjoy talking to him.

Every now and then he would tease me or try flirting but other than that it was nice.

A gust of wind washed over us all of a sudden messing up my hair. Jimin reached out and tucked my hair behind my ears as I looked down.

When I looked up I realized how dangerously close we were. His hand moved to my chin as he brought our faces even closer. My eyes closed involuntarily.

Right before our lips met I felt my phone ring. Seriously?!

I sighed in frustration as Jimin moved away and I answered the call.

It was Rosie telling me that Jisoo was going to come get me if I didn't come home right now. After closing with Rosie I realized that it was almost 1 am.

Haha I am so dead.

I quickly got my stuff ready and stood up.

Lisa: "I am so sorry Jimin but I have to go. Jisoo unnie is going to murder me." He looked at me and smiled before getting up himself and saying that it was okay.

I started running at the speed of light towards the dorm (sonic would be jealous of me right now).

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