Chapter 3

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The next day

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard someone burst into my room.

Jennie: "Yah Lalisa wake up!"

I rubbed my eyes and checking the clock before looking at Jennie Unnie annoyed.

Lisa: "I still have another hour of sleep why are you waking me up so early?" I asked quite irritated.

Jennie: "Jisoo made pancakes so you should come eat before we finish them." With that Jennie gets out and goes downstairs.

I get up and quickly make my way to the kitchen where everyone was sitting. I make it in time and stopped Rosé from eating my pancakes.

I sit down and we all eat together.

Jisoo: "So Lisa what are you doing today?"

Lisa: "We are going to start the official training today. I'm excited to see what type of dance it's going to be. How about you guys? What's your schedule?"

Rosé: "Well me and Jisoo are going to sing with Minnie and Jihyo. We are going to choose the song today."

I nod and then look at Jennie.

Jennie: "I'm going to practice my solo song for the show"

Aren't we just a busy group.

After we all finish eating everyone puts their plate away, gets ready, and leaves.

At the BigHit building

I'm pretty sure I remember the way to the practice room so I don't ask the women for directions and head there.

Or so I thought... wait this hallway doesn't look familiar?

I continue walking around absolutely lost and ended up bumping into someone. I was waiting to get in contact with the floor but it never came. I look up and saw Namjoon holding me.

I stand up properly and bow to him.

Lisa: "I am so sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going"

Namjoon: "No worries, are you lost by any chance?"

I nod my head slowly and Namjoon looks at me smiling before he started walking away. I stood there, should I follow him or is he just leaving?

Namjoon: "Hey you coming or not? I'm pretty sure Jimin is on his way there now" He said looking back at me and continues walking.

I catch up with him and eventually make it to the practice room. I bow to him and thank him before entering the room.

I entered and saw two people standing facing the other way.

As I put my bag down they turn around and I realize it was the choreographer and J-Hope.

I bow to them and walk towards them.

Lisa: "Hello I'm Lisa"

Hoseok: "Hello I'm Hoseok or J-Hope"

Cheshir: "Hi Lisa my name is Cheshir Ha"

Out of the corner of my eye I see Jimin walking in and he apologizes for being late.

Cheshir: "Don't worry we all just got here anyways"

Jimin: "Oh Hoseok-Hyung what are you doing here?"

Hoseok: "I'll be choreographing the dance along with the help of Cheshir" Jimin nods as a response and seems very happy that his hyung will help choreograph.

Cheshir and Hoseok gave us the layout of the dance. It will start off with Jimin doing a short solo dance followed by my short solo dance. After that we both do a dance together.

Jimin's dance is going to be a ballet and contemporary which matches him perfectly. (The dance from his 2019 MMA I Need U solo)

My dance was going a sexy dance which I'm really excited to try out. (The dance from LILI'S FILM #3)

Cheshir took me to to one side of the dance room while Hoseok and Jimin were on the other side.

Jimin was listening to the music and free styling trying to come up with something while Hoseok would give him tips and ideas.

After a couple of hours we managed to do half of our dances and learn them. Both Hoseok and Cheshir had to go due to their busy schedule but Cheshir said that we will finish the choreography tomorrow.

I was sitting down against the mirror as Jimin continued practicing.

Lisa: "Aren't you going to take a break? We've been practicing for hours"

Jimin: "I can't seem to get this move right. I'll take a break once I get it right" he sounded completely drained and super tired.

Lisa: "Ok how about you take a break and let your body rest and then try the move again. You won't get it if your body is too tired." I tried my best to get him to rest.

With that he realizes my point and comes and sits next to me.

Lisa: "I really enjoy being busy with a performance. Most times after our comeback we just focus on modeling and we never know when our next comeback is" I explain as I rest my head back.

Jimin: "Yeah I saw how happy you were when you were dancing. Maybe you should talk to your manager about your comebacks."

Lisa: "I've tried but the best thing I got was being allowed to have a YouTube channel to post my dance videos" I replied shaking my head

Jimin: "Hey how about you teach me one of your group's dances?" He said as he stood up.

He put out his hand for me to take as he helped me up.

Lisa: "Alright that sounds fun. How about Ddu Du Ddu Du?"

Jimin nods his head as I start teaching him the chorus of D4.

Lisa: "Ok so let's start off with when the lyrics say 'Oh wait til' I do what I do'."

Lisa: "Ok good you got that part, so after the gunshots put your arm out like this and nod"

Jimin does exactly what I tell him to and gets the dance down very quickly.

Lisa: "okay now after the nod sweep your hands like you are throwing something" I say as I try my best to explain.

After I finish teaching him the chorus we do it with the music.

Jimin nails it perfectly first try.

I clap for him as he bows after finishing his performance.

Dance Partner {Jimin x Lisa}Where stories live. Discover now