Chapter 16

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I woke up feeling refreshed and energized since yesterday was a relaxation day. I'm going to really miss being busy and having something to look forward to. Most importantly I hope my friendship with Jimin doesn't get affected now that we won't see each other at dance practice.

I took a shower and wore some comfy clothes before heading to the kitchen.

Lisa: "Morning Rosie!"

Rosé: "Good morning sleepyhead."

Lisa: "So have any plans today? I was thinking we could go shopping and then head to the Thai restaurant? Oh and maybe get our hair done?" I asked excitedly as I sat down next to her at the counter.

Rosé facial expression changed immediately after I spoke. She looked around nervously before sighing.

Rosé: "I would REALLY love to Lili that sounds like an amazing plan but,"

Lisa: "But?" I asked questioningly.

Rosé: "I have plans. I'm really sorry Lis maybe another day okay?" She gave me a sad puppy expression.

Lisa: "Oh it's no problem really. I hope you have fun Rosie Posie!"

Rosé gave me a hug before leaving probably to get ready. I sat there alone holding my phone. A couple minutes later I heard footsteps and looked up to see Jennie smiling at me.

Jennie: "Since Jisoo and Rosé have plans I say we go out together."

Lisa: "Yes please!"

Jennie: "Alright then go get ready Lisa."

I got changed into a casual outfit. I'm really happy that Jennie saved me from being lonely today. After getting ready I took a look at my phone noticing I didn't get any messages.

It's not like I wanted a certain someone to text me... or maybe I did. Whatever if he wants to text me he can.

I headed out with Jen. Our plan was to take a walk, then go to our favorite café, and our last stop would be.. shopping!!

We walked around the area as we admired the great weather and talked. We stopped at the café once Jennie started getting tired.

Lisa: "Yah we didn't even walk that much. Guess you are just getting old." I said giggling once we sat down.

Jennie: "Old?! Excuse me young lady but that is no way to treat your older sister."

I didn't really want something to eat so I just ordered a drink that had cotton candy on top. If I'm being honest I ordered it solely because of the cotton candy but Jennie ended up eating all of it. Jennie ordered brownies and so she gave me one of her brownies because she ate my cotton candy.

We made our way to the mall but sadly our managers had to come with us. It wasn't even crowded or anything. Usually we are suggested to shop online but not for us since Jennie and I love to shop in person.

Jennie: "Lisa should I get this top or this top?" She asked holding up two super cute crop tops.

Lisa: "Hmmm... Why not both?" It's the easiest answer when you can't decide. Plus they were both two cute.

Jennie: "I like the way you think Manoban."

We finished off our shopping by heading to a pets store that had really cute outfits. I of course bought some cute accessories for my cats while Jennie bought some treats for her puppies.

As we were in the car jamming to music we passed by a couple that were walking together holding hands goofing around.

Lisa: "Awww look at that couple they are so cute!" I said pointing at them through a window pouting. "When I get a boyfriend I hope we'll as cute as them."

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