Part - 18 A beautiful surprise 🌸

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You guy's are done, or something is left? - I asked while rolling up my eyes from kitchen.

And why do you think ayuu, that we always fight? - Abhay inquired.

"I can see". - I said while chuckling.

"Knock knock".- Door sounds.

Darshan was there, as they were arguing. They left the door open.

Everyone attended him, and stare at him. As, he was wearing a red shirt and a jeans.
Actually, that shirt was quite cool, I mean with check design.

Actually, that shirt was quite cool, I mean with check design

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( This picture is still my favorite.)

That was cool. I don't know, why they were looking at him, with wide eyes.

For whom you are waiting or don't you liked the house? So, that why you are not entered yet. - I said.

He entered with a wide cute smile, and sat on dining table. I asked him about his health. He replied that he is fine.
Me and rashi served everyone, and they enjoyed it.
I was just waiting for darshan's opinion about it.

Abhay - "It's amazing ayuu and rashh".

Jagriti - "Yeah, actually".

We both smiled, but I was literally waiting for darshan to say something, as expected being a foodie he is enjoying the meal. Idiot!!! At least he should tell na, that how is it??

Completely, idiot!!

As, I was busy in staring darshan, rashi was noticing me as she was sitting besides me and she tapped my leg with her and said to me while murmuring :

"Stop, stalking him, be in your senses, Dude".

I made "Shut up, you alien"  face and she chuckled.

Finally he spoke something:
After listening that sentence from his mouth, I want to kill him right now.

Darshan - "Ayushi, Pls pass me some more".

I passed him, he placed them in his plate and started eating again...Ohh god!! Such a foodie.

Uff, I hate this. Super - Duper idiottttt! !!

But, I was happy. I mean he asked for more that means he liked it, but atleast batana toh hota hi hain ki kaisa bana hai.
We all finished and cleaned the dining table. Now, all were sitting on sofa.

Jagriti - "Guys, I think I should leave. I have to go it's urgent".

Abhay - "Yes, ayuu. Me too, I have my shift in night".
Me - "No, problem. You can".

Abhay - "But, thank you for giving us such an amazing treats".

Jagriti - "Yeah, thank you very much".

Me - "Aare, don't say thank you. I am feeling good that someone likes my cooking, otherwise some people's are their who don't know how to appreciate the hardworking especially, if they are made for them".

( This was indirectly for someone who is currently in this room, sitting on couch scrolling something in his phone.)

Rashi laughed, but non of rest understands my statement including darshan also.

They left.
Afterwards, darshan also asked for leave and I nodded. Still, I was feeling bad for his behavior.

Now, me and rashi were there.

She was in bathroom, suddenly door bell rang.

I moved towards the door and as I opened it, I saw a man with a beautiful flower bouquet in his hand and a card on top of it. 

"Ayushi Maurya". - He said looking towards me.

"Ye..yes" - I answered.

"Ma'am this bouquet and a card for you". - He answered me with a smile.

"Okay, but who gave it". - I questioned.

"So, sorry ma'am. I don't know about the sender, I am only here to deliver it". - He said.

"No problem". - I answered with a smile.

He left

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He left.


Yesterday, I accidentally published Part - 20 of this.
So, for today Part - 18 is here.
This part is specially for Larrisa456 .


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