Part - 27

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After 3 year's

[ Darshan ]

( Author's note - I wonder, why till now, no one asked me about Darshan's Point of view? By the way, no problem. )

She is here with me, beside me. Sleeping like a child. And here, I am with her dairy which mentioned all moments with me, of 3 years back.

Accidentally, mine and her seat was besides each other and this is how, I came to see her after 3 years, such a long time.
And before I entered the flight she was sleeping, I think she was from starting of the flight and she didn't saw me till now. She was sleeping with this dairy on her lap, securing it possessively.

I am feeling guilty, that I read this diary of her without her permission. But, the way she was securing this dairy, I wasn't able to control.

And, I wonder why she didn't completed this.

Last date was 23th December 2020.
She never completed this, I don't know why?
I know, she wasn't on verge to write after the things that happened on that day but still, I know the reason is me only.

I felt very bad for her.
Really bad.


I kept that diary, again on her lap, the way it was before, while trying on to wake her up.

Between this an air hostess came.

She started calling her.

( Air hostess as AH. )

AH : Excuse me, ma'am. Listen.


I am being so, nervous that How she will react after seeing me. I never want to interact with her after that day but, our destiny knows what's going!! I never want to see her again, because I know she never wants to see me again after what, I said to her that day.

I literally broked her heart by saying those painful words to her.


Today is the day, 29th December 2020.

When, I am going to propose Shivani, the love of my life but little bit, I was nervous.

I called Ayushi.
She didn't picked up.

I called again. Again, didn't picked up.
Then, I tried to call Abhay.

Me : Hey, Abhay. Ayushi, is okay na? She isn't picking up the call??

Abhay : Darshan, I was also trying but she isn't picking up.

Me : Okay, I will try to call rashi and what about you? I mean Jagriti?

I questioned him with a smirk.

Abhay : She is here, in Mumbai. Yesterday, only she came.

Me : Ohoo, that's good. Okay, so be ready at fixed destination.

Abhay : Yeah.. Will call you later!!!

Me : Yeah!! See you!!

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