Part - 2

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Ayushii..Ayushiii...ayuuu, Rashi called.
I smiled fakely on my fate and frankly answered her.

" Ruhanika did all this to me...!! " - Said in one breath to rash!!

" As she don't want me to be happy, as he told Shiwansh that, I am going to break up with him and he just innocently accepted that lie and came to me in anger.. To break up with me before I could do anything. And then, you are here to see all things" He broke up our old friendship, our bonding and all. - I added.

Rashi said , " But, you shou.... I cutted her off and said that in a disappointing look - " I am the unluckiest to face this as the person to whom I came across to with my friendship and bonding."

Rashi was just staring at me and suddenly she gets up holding my hand with her and making me stand.
She take me through her car and we came a across marine drive. 

She again started looking at me with wide eyes.

What??, - I said in a curious look.

"Nothing, just looking to your face, that how much you have changed after coming to mumbai and after we came across to same medical college.", - she said with a emotion full face.

Hey, Clear this pls, I can't get you, I said to her with a " confused look". "And why you are soo, much emotional, it should be me in the place of you, as I lost my best friend." - I added.

Why you didn't told me?? As you never hide something from me, why you didn't ? You are only just struggling from this alone without telling me all this as only thinking about my struggle!! And why are you saying that I lost my best friend? Isn't he was nothing for me? - She asked with a disappointment face.

Listen, rash I never hide something from you, but I was literally disappointed, and little bit broken. That's why, I was not able to collect courage to tell you, this because Shiwansh was everything for me as my best friend, my painkiller no. 2, my listener...everything he is!!," I said.

He was, I added.

" Ayu, you are just a stupid, atleast tell to me na, whatever you are facing, and you just kept this all inside you only, How could you?? ..Atleast he was not a good friend for you, and you came to knew this well, and that doesn't matter how long he was with you." - She said, with a cute smile.

And that smile made me chuckled. 


Its short, but Trying my best to make it more relevant.
Till then, Keep reading and day tomorrow, you will see our main hero, along with more characters and off course Rajendra uncle.👻 As, I am going to publish one more chapter, today only.
And don't forget to tell my mistakes.

Sorry, I was going to upload it at 4 but due to some work, I uploaded it till bit before.

~ Ridhima

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