Part - 40

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[ Ayushi ]

He asked me to exchange our seats.

That's so sweet of him, but now is this matter's when you are only the reason behind all this?

We had our dinner, in silence.

Shiwansh went backwards towards resort as he got a call and hadn't came back yet. I hope he would never came back here again.

This silence is literally a silence before the storm. I don't know what is this type of feeling but it's literally making me feel like that.

We all decided to go back to our room back as we all were hell tired.
Gaurav and Priyanka again at last thank's the concert people's. They all were looking so happy.

At last they went off, and darshan too.

He didn't even looked at me at last.

That's hurts, you know.

I never thought, he would hate me this much.

And trust me, I never hated him. I am just angry on what he said to me. I never ever thought that he would say this type of things to me and that's hurts the most when you got to listen this, at lease not this from that person who always kept a beautiful place in your own heart. I never ever thought this.
I know, me and him where not a friend from a long time but, that's doesn't Matter, right?

The thing that only matter is what type of friendship, we share or me shared with him. I always respected him from my whole heart. I always respected this friendship.


Priyanka and gaurav greeted us at last and they went inside.

Rashi and Jagriti too went off. Abhay was waiting for me, but was stressed about them too. I gestured him to go with them. As they need him the most.

Me : "I will come afterwards. You guy's can go."

Abhay : C'mon ayuu. It's night let's go.

Me : "I told you na, I will come later."

Abhay : "Ayuu, don't forget that Shiwansh is also here."

Me : "So, what? I am not afraid of him nor I am going to talk to him."

Abhay : But...

Me : "Please Abhay, I need a free space. Please."

Abhay : "Ok fine. But, come soon. Okay?"

I nodded and gave him a smile.

He also went behind them.

Now, the only thing which is with me is some more people's, who is far away from me. And the only thing is this beautiful beach sight and this beautiful sea.

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