Part - 9

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Shiwansh - Guys!! , I know what I did. And I am sorry for that whatever I did was in anger and pls call Ayushi, I have to talk to her. I should suffer, not her and I also came to tell her that what I feel about her.

Rashi and jagriti were shocked to know this.

What do you mean?? - They asked in curious way.

Yes, I love her. I don't know about when I fall in love with her. And I can't get best instead of her. I love Ayushi very much. That's why I came to tell her. Please call her once.
- He said in a hurry.

Ayuu...Ayushiii - He screamed.

Stop screaming, she will not come to you now. - Jagriti complained.

What do you mean?  - He asked.

Yes, she have another person in her life. - Jagriti answered and rashi was just looking at her as " What are you saying" look.

She nodded her head in "trust me" look.

Shiwansh - Are you guys out of your mind?? What you are saying? She can't do this. She also loves me, I have seen that love in her eyes too.

It was, now love it not alive, the love of her towards you was at last and now, it's all over. - Rashi replied.

She can't do this with me - He said in anger.

She could, after what you did. - We answered.

Where the hell is she right now??  - He asked.

At his savior's place - Rashi answered.

Now, jagriti was staring at her in a "What you are saying right now? "because yet rashi doesn't know what happened in last 2 hours.

Accha, Where is his savior's place? Tell me this Right now naa? - He asked in anger and grinding teeths of his own.

Why we should tell you? - They asked.

Atleast tell me her savior 's name? - He asked again.

"Darshan Raval....Mr. Darshan Raval" - They replied.

I will not spare him for talking my love from myself. - Now, see Mr. Raval, that what I will do? - He argued in anger.

He left.

Rashi tries to call Ayushi, but the phone was being unreachable. She, called her 4 times but no one was picking up call. Then she, ended up by calling abhay and asked for Darshan's number, she called him and told everything which happened in last few hours.
Suddenly, door bell and till darshan could open it. He saw me ( ayushi ) moving towards the door to open and Now, it is opened and I was so shocked to see the person to whom I never wanted again. Yes!! Again Mr. Shiwansh is here. I don't know from where he get the address. I was little shocked and scared to see him here.
Suddenly, darshan came from my back and hold my waist, making me feel comfortable it feels like that I got someone from whom I will always get protected.

Darshan smiles at me. It was looking like he is trying to say " Don't worry, I am here only, nothing will happen to you."

Shiwansh - "Ayushi, how can you do this with me? You love me na?"

Me - When I have said that I loved you?

Shiwansh - "Don't lie to me, it is clearly visible that you love me".

Darshan - "She never loves you, and whatever you have done with her, after breaking you friendship and all, then how can anyone loves you? ".

Shiwansh - "I am not talking to you. So, why are you interrupting us".

Darshan - "Excuse me, I don't need to explain my relation with her. Those, who are needed and they knew it well".

I was just listening to them and I was about to cry but control my tears to not to fall. After this, Shiwansh was about to hold my hand but darshan stopped him. After a long time, Shiwansh had gone.

[ Darshan, is fighting for me. He is only doing this for me.]

I sat on sofa and darshan when to kitchen to bring a glass of water for me and he came and kept that glass on table.

Darshan - "Ayushi, pls drink it".

I quickly get up and hugged him as tight as I can. I started sobbing. He was shocked at first but he hugged me back.

Me - Thank you, thank you very much darshan. I am sorry, because of me you are also suffering.

Darshan - "I am not suffering, ayushi and why are you thinking like that. I helped you because.....
(He don't have words to express his feeling.)"

Me - "Thank you very much".

Till now, We are just hugging each other and after few minutes we parted. We both went to our room back and slept.

This one feels better.💫

Darshan's care for Ayushi, when Shiwansh came and all feels very good.

What should we say, is this darshan's possessiveness or care?
~ Ridhima🌸

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