Part - 4

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"We came to his cabin", Dr. Abhay saw us.

Dr. Abhay - Welcome, Mr. Raval and hello Darshan. ( It's look like they know each other very well.)

Rajendra uncle answered in Hello, and darshan answers Namaste.

Dr. Abhay said to me in very confusing look - "Don't you recognize them!".
I nodded my head in No.

He said - Meet Mr. Rajendra Raval and his Son, Mr. Darshan Raval. Darshan is a famous singer and an independent artist with Millions of fan following.

I said, "Hey to Darshan and Namaste to Rajendra uncle".

They replied me with a smile.

Dr. Abhay - "Mr. Raval are you feeling better and darshan you are taking care of him na?".

Darshan  - "Yeah!! Mr. Abhay, dad is totally fine, but sometimes he starts feeling dizzy and I thought to take him for weekly check up."

Mr. Abhay - "Ayushii!! Pls measure, Mr. Raval's Blood pressure to check out other things".

I taked out sphygmomanometer and measured uncle's blood pressure and told Dr. Abhay that everything is fine.

Dr. Abhay - Darshan and Mr. Raval, everything is fine but if Darshan, you are scared about Mr. Raval's health then I will appoint a doctor for him.

Darshan quickly nodded his head in yes with a smile.

Dr. Abhay look towards me and said, - Ayushi!! I think you will be fine to go there.

I gave him "what are you saying" look as Dr. Abhay is my friend, but our friendship is only through our personal life, we don't gave it a chance in hospital. In hospital he is my senior and I am his junior assistant doctor. ( But still, I have to do this!! As I am a doctor now, and doctors are their to help people's. - My brain start making me chuckled.

I said yes without thinking more.

Dr, Abhay said - Okay then, Darshan we are sending Dr. Ayushi Maurya with you to take care of Mr. Raval.

He simply nodded his head in okay.

Dr. Abhay to me - ," Ayushi, I am giving him 1 week rest, so you have to be their at darshan's house to take care of him after darshan.
I nodded my head too.

After this, they left from there, me and Dr. Abhay discussed more about patients and all.

Then its 7:30 pm in evening and Abhay came to me and said, - " Ayuu.., are you okay with them?.. I mean I haven't done anything wrong na?.

I simply nodded my head in noo said, -  " Abhay, We both are doctor. So, its our duty to work for patients in their difficult times and you haven't done anything wrong because they are in contact with you. So, I am not too much worried about this.
Justt chill!! - I added.

Thankfully, I am right like always. What you say? Haa - He replied with notorious smile. And we both laughed.

As we get overed from that joke, we saw Rashi, who is moving towards us.

We met and talked, after 5 minutes, I and Rashi went to our flat and abhay went to his own.We reached our flat and went to our room to change our clothes and all. Its currently 8:34pm and I decided to take a shower and I went to it, after coming back from bathroom, my eyes reached to clock and its currently 8:53. And, I wore my night dress and went towards kitchen as I saw rashi in kitchen making something and I went to her, As I want to help her. So, we both had dinner around 10:00 and cleaned kitchen, washed plates went to room by saying good night to each other.
I slept at 12:34 am and as I was thinking about that what should I pack for 1 week as I have to go tomorrow, to take care of Rajendra uncle and have to meet Mr. Darshan. As It is a house of Famous singer, so I have to dressed like that only, not to look like cartoon as I use to look everyday.


Hii, I don't know much about medical science, but whatever I had learnt from my brother, who is pursuing MBBS and in the state of 4 year. So, I wrote that in this.

Sorry, if anything is inappropriate for you all in medical line.

And Our agent bhaiya is here. Wohoo!!
Thank you to all.

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