Part - 31

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[ Ayushi ]

Rajendra uncle is all fit and fine.

He is fine.
I came to know that he is in Ahmedabad.

As I ended the call, I saw abhay on the door.

He was little bit shocked because at time, I never do any type of calls.

As he asked me, About everything. I told him everything, means everything.
Yes, I use to call Uncle, every day.

It doesn't mean, that if darshan isn't talking to me, I will not know about his whereabouts.

I care for him. I really - really do.

Abhay : Do you still Love him?

This question of him was obvious. And I really don't know what to answer.

Yes, I love him, But that time My love was all pure, all of him. But, now everything got change.

I never thought that I would heard this type of sentences from Darshan.

I really never expected.

Abhay was hugging me as tight as he can.
And I was sobbing because of all recall.

Which are making me more weak from before. I never want to recall all those worst things of 3 years back.

Now, everything got changed and darshan.

He is changed.


I never expected, that I would love someone, who never care for my love.

The day when I proposed him, I mean told all the truth. Somewhere inner me was familiar for this type of behaviour.

But, I never want to be at be like a breaker between them.

Is it my mistake, that I fell in love with him when he was on verge to propose someone else?

"I asked you something. Do you.. "

"NO, I DON'T LOVE HIM ANYMORE NOW." - I answered in between of his same question which broked my chain of thoughts.

Abhay : you don't love him?

He asked in little bit of surprised way.

Me : :I d..on't, Infact I started hating him now."

A complete lie.

I will never stop loving him, how ever he is!

But, still he will be forever in my heart.

Abhay : You hate him because he says those painful things to you, right??

Me : No, I hate him because he never thought to love me as a friend. At least, he should have loved me as a friend, Like before. But, instead of this, The thing that hurted me most was "I never want to see your face again."

Abhay : Shh...I know, I know. Don't cry please. Go and sleep it's late.

Me : Yeah, you too go and take rest. And give these medicines to jagriti.

He nodded and went to his room.

This is how my day's end.

If, I will be like this. Then, I should prepare myself for asylum. I can't help myself to get out of these thoughts.

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