Part 18 We meet again.

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Accelerator's POV

After the attack by the league of villains, the authorities were called and the villains we defeated were taken into custody. Two students were kidnapped, and Ragdoll along with them and the school had to hold a press conference since now the public was questioning the security and standing of the school. People questioned the safety provided by the hero society, the league definitely had that goal in mind. Meanwhile we students were mentally scared or that is what the public thought. We were recovering at a quick pace, like we won the battle. We had faith in the heroes, that they would be able to save the two kidnapped students. But that was irrelevant right now. I was currently in the Principal's office with Nezu and All Might, in his deflated form.

Nezu: I believe you know why you are here?

Accelerator: Yeah.

All Might: Why didn't you stop them? You could have prevented any casualties from ever happening!

Accelerator: Isn't that obvious? To achieve my goal.

Nezu: What exactly is your goal?

Accelerator: To protect the brat and give her a normal life.

All Might: And exactly how do your actions help you achieve your goal!?

I smirked.

Accelerator: You lack aesthetic. The league wants to capture, kill and use her, i'm not going to let that happen. The moment the league attacked, i saw it as a perfect opportunity. I let them get away with as many as possible but I put a tracker on one of them and just in case, for caution's sake I placed a tracker on everyone. I had a feeling something was going to go wrong. I already knew about the attack beforehand because muscular can't seem to stay put for too long. I was ready to sacrifice everyone just to end the problem at its source.

Nezu: I understand your logic but your methods are far too extreme and risky. The missing people could be in real danger right now.

Accelerator: I knew about the risk but third rate villains like them would probably try to recruit Bakugo and Misaka, the only thing is they probably won't wait too long. Ragdoll was probably a target because of her quirk.

All Might: You don't mean!

Accelerator: She's had her quirk stolen. After that who knows what's going to happen.

All Might: Do you realize what you just said? 3 People are at risk of dying because of your reckless idea!

Accelerator: I don't care what you think, this is how i do things, get used to it. If I'm going to accomplish my goal, I'm ready to sacrifice myself. Their goal was to ruin the image of heroes, whether i stopped them or not wouldn't have made a difference.

I tossed a digital map with two blinking lights on it towards them and started walking towards the door.

Accelerator: Those are the locations. Bakugo and Misaka are in the same location, the other dot is Ragdoll. You better end them today or else i'll do it myself.

I left the room.

Nezu: Though his methods are inhumane this is still a great opportunity. Let's end this so that he hopefully never has to do this again. He's too independent.

All Might: He doesn't trust anyone but those closest to him, what a sad way to live.

After that i went to the empty dorm. Everyone else was at the hospital either to recover or to visit the ones recovering. Aizawa was at the press conference since he was the one who gave us permission to fight, not that i wouldn't have done it either way. I kept saying that I couldn't keep the barrier up for long in the mental link, in reality I could have kept that up for a day. Moreover even in that situation i wasn't serious, all that mattered was that i tricked everyone. They all played their parts perfectly, those three were just unfortunate sacrifices. Though there was one thing I learned, I couldn't reflect magic. Index told me afterwards that even Touma wouldn't have been able to deal with that much power. Regardless it seems in my wings state i can manipulate it but still not reflect. I also think i understood how to unleash my wings too.

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