Part 4 Hero Or Villain

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Accelerators POV

I woke up the next day the sound of my alarm beeping but that wasnt the only thing. When i woke up Last Order was sitting besides my bed and resting her head on it with a big smile plastered on her face. I just looked at her and got up while she got up and sat in front of me, i sighed.

Accelerator: What do you want brat?

Last Order: "Misaka Misaka wants some breakfast" says Misaka Misaka while hoping you will get up to make her some.

I just sighed once more and got up. When i went downstairs i saw only a handful of my classmates, while a girl with spiky hair was making breakfast for them, apparently everyone else was sleeping. I walked up to her so that i could tell her to make Last Order something.

Accelerator: Oi you, make something for the brat aswell.

There was no response from the girl but then someone else spoke.

???: Alright then thats one more meal being prepared.

I turned to the owner of the voice, a blond girl with star shaped eyes sitting on the table while she pointed a tv remote at the girl making breakfast and clicked a button. Then girl then started making another on of whatever she was making. I then turned to the blond.

Accelerator: So your quirk allows you to control other peoples mind, what an interesting ability.

???: My quirks a lot more complicated than your strength quirk, but that also means its more powerful in its own right. Im Shokohou Misaki by the way, now come and sit here.

She then clicked a button on her remote but nothing changed so she was confused.

Accelerator: You just tried to take control of me didnt you.

Shokuhou: Why isnt it working on you?

I sat down were she indicated followed by a carefree Last Order and looked at her with a victorious grin.

Accelerator: My quirk isnt complicated huh, i wonder about that, dont you?

She had the face of defeat and fear on her face expecting me to lash out at her, and my words had sent shivers down her spine. Feeling satisfied because of the look on her face i didnt do anything and asked her a question.

Accelerator: So, what do you want?

Shokuhou: Why cant i control or read your mind? i also cant do it to the kid and her older look alike, care to explain?

Accelerator: First of all stay out of our heads, second im not telling you why you cant read mine, as for the other two, you'll never be able to get into their heads because of their quirks. 

Misaki: Care to elaborate? 

Last Order: "Misaka MIsaka emits rlectromagnetic waves which act like a barrier to block your link" explains Misaka Misaka while feeling proud of her quirk.

Shokuhou: Right, what abou-

She was interrupted when the person in question herself came into view from what looked like electric shocks. It alerted everyone who was currently awake, but they quickly ignored it and continued with whatever they were doing. Misaka saw us at the table and started walking in our direction. Behind her i could have sworn i say a charred Kuruko fall to the ground.

Misaka: Morning, whose your friend?

Accelerator: This Shokuhou Misaki a mind controller failing with her one job.

I smirked at her while i talked and was satisfied when she looked both embarrassed and offended. Misaka turned to her and stared blankly at her before speaking.

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