Part 11 Broken and barely fixed

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Shokuhou's POV

After the whole incident with the hero killer, Accelerator and i were taken to the hospital with everyone else to check for possible injuries which of course there were none. I didnt really care though, i kept thinking about what Accelerator said, he trusted me enough to reveal his past, he said Misaka already knew but there was a reason for that, he didnt have any reason to tell me yet was going to so i wouldnt be left out. The thought made me blush a little but i didnt really mind it. Right now i was alone with Misaka.

Misaka: Whats wrong? You look a little red.

Shokuhou: Misaka, when work study is over you and Accelerator are going to have to explain your little secret, since hes not here i cant hear his perspective.

Misaka: I already told you i cant-

Shokuhou: He gave me his consent, in return i'll tell you why he wants to be a hero.

She looked at me with a serious face and spoke with a serious tone.

Misaka: Are you sure you want to know? You might not like him after you hear it, maybe you'll even curse him for existing or pity his existence.

Shokuhou: He trust that i wont do that and i intend to keep that trust, besides it cant be that bad.

Misaka clenched her fist.

Misaka: Its worse than 'that bad'.

Shokuhou: And yet you dont curse him.

Misaka: Thats because there are two ways to look at it, one makes you hate the other makes you pity. I accepted that his deeds werent caused by his free will but i cant do much more than that. Hes a good friend but his past makes me feel angry and sad. 

Shokuhou: You can save that for when were back at school, i wont treat anyone differently because of their past but ill judge them with their present actions.

Misaka: Alright then, others actually know of it, All might was there when he told me, he probably wanted to crush his pride.

Shokuhou: I can imagine him doing that.

We both giggled a little.

Misaka: Last Order also knows.

I was shocked for a second but recovered quickly.

Shokuhou: What? Why? If this secret is so bad why does a child know of this?

Misaka: Apparently a large portion of his past revolves around her though indirectly, he only met her a week before school started but he knew what she was. Any other questions will be answered after at school.

Shoukuhou: What, hey wait, i still have more questions!

Misaka: No, no you said it yourself i have to save the rest for when were all in school right.

(A few days later)

We were all standing in front of All Might after a week of internship, it was obvous what was going on we decided to go along with it.

All Might: Alright, you all just came back from your intern ships so lets see what you learned over there. We'll have to see who can get to Accelerator first. Hes at the center of this zone and Misaka, Kuroko, Kaminari, Sero and Uraraka. Now then with that out of the way get in to your positions.

We watched from the cameras as everyone took their respective positions in the industry zone. They were all the same distance away from the center but from what i know of their quirks, unless some of them improved their quirks then they had almost no chance of winning. All Might gave the signal for them to start. Immediately Kuroko had teleported up high and turned towards the center while Sero was using his tape to get to high ground, Uraraka had started floating up to the roofs and Misaka was using magnetism to jump from pipe to pipe and bulding from building. We turned to the camera on Kaminari who was frantically running around, it was already clear who would lose. The winner was already decided so we wanted to see who would place where in this race.

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