⛓ Slowly, But Surely ⛓

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(Luke's P.O.V.)

"Hey Zander, I'm going to get some water"


I close the door to Zander's bedroom and head downstairs to get a glass of water. I go into the kitchen and look at the clock


Zander and Hailey's parents won't be here til 7:00...

Zander and Hailey's parents were working an extra hour so I could stay the extra hour, I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I put some ice in it and toke a sip and just stared off into space for a second. I snapped myself out if it and was about to go back upstairs


I clutch the spot on my chest where my heart was at, I heard the glass break on the ground. I fall to my knees wondering if I was having a heart attack......no......a heart attack doesn't feel this way from what I've heard......this was as if someone was clutching my heart and it hurt like hell. I begin to feel tears in my eyes. It hurt so much, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I start to black out and I fall on the ground and the last thing I heard was....



(Jakes P.O.V.)

"Thanks Hailey see ya"

I walk out of the school building and start to walk home, this has been an interesting day. I heard a voice, but never found whoever said it. I walk back home and as I was on the path where nobody was


I hold my head in my hands. My head hurt so much, it definitely wasn't a migraine this was more intense. I don't even think intense is the right word for it, I hold my head and all of a sudden I saw a flash of me, Luke, Daisy, and Elliot on the ground in puddles of blood. I collapse to the ground and start to black out when I heard



I barely manage to say her name before everything turns black.

(Luke's P.O.V.)

~Some time later~

I wake up to.......crying? I open my eyes and turn to the side to see Zander crying on a chair beside me.

"Zander?" I ask

Zander's head shot up, he looked at me and starts to cry more. He crawls next to me and cries into my chest

"You p-passed out! I d-didn't know if y-you were okay! I t-though I lost you I-"

I lift Zander's head and cut him off with a kiss, Zander kisses back after a few seconds. We split apart and I kiss his forehead and cuddle him as he calms down

"Zander, what did I tell you the day of our confession?"

"T-that I w-would never l-lose you" Zander answers

"I meant it Zander, I'll go through hell to come back to you. Never forget it."

Zander sighs and starts to fall asleep next to me, I pull the blankets over him and countine to cuddle him. I burry my face into his hair as he started to drift off into sleep, right before he falls asleep I hear him mumble

"I love you...."

I smile and close my eyes as I respond

"I love you to"

(Jakes P.O.V.)




I open my eyes to see Hailey up above me

"Hailey?" I ask

"Jake are you okay!?" Hailey was on the verge of tears

"Y-Yeah, my head just hurts a little" I sit up

"Thank goodness" Hailey hugs me

I go wide-eyed and I felt my heart skip a beat

Wait.....that can't be right........I mean......I have a crush on Daisy...........right?

"You had passed out on the ground, I was so worried" Hailey sighs

"How long was I out for?" I ask

"About 15 minutes...........I moved you in case you hadn't noticed"

I look to my surroundings to see that she was right, Hailey had moved me under a tree more out of sight from people

"Thanks Hailey, your the greatest" I hug her back

I swear I thought I felt her flinch, but I shrugged it off

"You know Hailey, I'm really glad I met you....."

Authors note: This chapter will be split into two parts with the second part containing what happens to Elliot and Daisy. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and are looking foward to upcoming ones, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night/evening!

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