⚫ The 2 between darkness and light ⚪

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(Zanders P.O.V.)

Me and Hailey open the door to find that Luke and Jake are gone

"Where's Jake and Luke?" I ask

"They said they were going downstairs with you guys" Daisy looks at me and Hailey confused

Is he...........no he would never.

"Me and Zander will go downstairs to check if their there"

Hailey grabs the cup of water from my hand and puts it down along with the cup of water she was holding

We walk downstairs and hear talking from the front of the house, we silently creek the door open and see Luke and Jake talking

"Have we been put under a spell or something?" Jake asks


"I honestly don't know........but I can't lie when I say I don't feel normal, whatever that means" Luke mumbles the last part

Are they okay? They seem more uptight

"Whatever this thing wants to do, it has bad intentions.....we need to stop it, before our friends get touched by the darkness" Jake explains

"Your right, we need to stop it somehow without our friends getting hurt" Luke adds

Are they talking about the shadow thing?

"Hmmmmmmmm.........." Jake wonders beside Luke

"What if.......

We use ourselves as bait?"

WHAT!? Luke!

"I feel as if I should be saying that" Jake chuckles a bit

"I know it sounds stupid, but hear me out. We both go back to the house tomorrow and see what happens?" Luke asks

"Hmmmmm.....ok, we'll go tomorrow after school"

Are they crazy!?

Hailey taps me on the shoulder and we go to the kitchen and pretend we didn't notice them, when they walk in we act like we didn't know they went outside

"Hey guys, did you take a step out?" Hailey asks

"Yeah, we needed some fresh air after the experience we had today" Jake shudders

"Are you guys okay?" I ask

"Yeah we're fine" Luke walks to me and hugs me

"I love you~" I felt Luke's warm breath on my ear

I felt heat rising up on my cheeks and clutch Luke's shirt

"I-I love you to.......jerk" I bury my head into Luke's chest

"Alright stop fLirTinG and let's go upstairs" Jake laughs

"Jake!" I growl

"I'll be upstairs~" Jake runs upstairs

Luke laughs a bit

"Let's go upstairs" Luke holds my hand

"Ok" I sigh

~After talking and everyone has left~

"Hey Zander im gonna go to bed"

I look up from my book and see Hailey in pajamas

"Oh ok, I think I will to" I respond

"Alright goodnight" Hailey smiles and waves

I smile and wave back as she shuts my door, I close my book and put it on my jour and turn of the lights. I let the darkness swallow my surroundings as I slowly drift off to sleep.

I open my eyes to see............clouds? I sit up and jump when I see Hailey beside me, I shake her


She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me


She sits up and rubs her eyes

"Where are we?"

I look around, everything was clouds, there was nothing else.

"I.......don't know" I say

We stand up and all of a sudden a girl with black and white hair in pigtails appears infront of us

"Who are you?" I sternly ask

"My name is Ying Yang, I am the keeper between light and dark and have come to warn you about your friends" she responds

"Which ones?" Hailey asks holding my hand

"The boy with peanut butter hair and the blonde boy with coral tips"

My heart froze. Everything did really, she was talking about Luke. My childhood best-friend, my crush, and lover.

I felt Hailey freeze beside me aswell, probably at the news of Jake.

"A-Are they in danger?" Hailey whispers

"Yes I'm afraid. Something has left them in between light and dark, their minds and hearts are slowly being taken over by the dark and if they are completely taken over, there's a chance they might not make it"

It has something to do with the shadow.

"C-Can we save them?" I stutter

"Yes, but you can't do it alone. Also, the shadow is after the two that aren't in the music club" Ying Yang looks to the side

Elliot and Daisy.

"You must go now, I wish you the best of luck"

Everything fades and I jolt awake in my bed, the sun was up.

Wait....what time...?


Good, I woke up before 8:00, but thats fine.

I get up and change and head downstairs, I wait for Hailey. When she comes downstairs she looks at me and asks

"Were you actually in my dream last night?"

I jump and remember the dream


Hailey goes wide-eyed, she looks down and mutters

"We best be on gaurd"

We walk to school in slience, when we get there we immediately split up to go look for Luke and Jake. I look down at the ground and bump into someone, I fall onto the ground

"I-Im so sorry, I didn't me-"

"Its fine, I wasn't- oh hey Babe"

I look up and see Luke smiling at me, I blush

"D-Did you just call m-me...?"

He looks at me confused for a second then his face turns completely red


"Its fine......." I get up and smile at him


Luke looks down and covers his face with his hands, I giggle and hug him

"Your so cute when your flustered"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm" I chuckle a bit and grab Luke's hands and remove them from his face

"I love you" I smile

"I-I love you to" Luke mumbles

All of a sudden, the thing Ying Yang told me crosses my mind

"Their minds and hearts are slowly being taken over"

I hug Luke tightly

"Hey........are you okay?" Luke slowly wraps his arms around around me


No I'm not okay. You are in danger and you could leave me, that terrifys me because I love you and I don't want to let you go.......

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